Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Design Your Brochure

Designing a brochure for your business or service is not really all that difficult.
Here are some tips to consider when creating the text for a six-panel brochure folded like an accordion.
Cover: The cover should clearly state your company's name and the particular service offered.
If your company has a brief slogan or logo, include it.
The simpler, the better is the rule for the cover.
Use attractive colors and high-quality graphics.
The back cover: The cover should list contact information and a call to action.
What do you want potential customers to do after reading the brochure: Place an order? Then have an order form on the back cover.
Call to place an order? Then list your phone number.
Visit your website? Then list your URL.
Visit your facility? Then show a map and an address.
The first inside panel should list the benefits your potential customers are looking for.
Do they want to save money, reduce energy costs, look or feel better? 4.
The next panel should be a brief overview of your company or service.
You could tell your company's history or focus a specific company trait.
Is your company current with technological updates? Does it provide fast, quality service? Is your staff friendly and highly qualified? Does the service you offer a unique way to meet a challenge.
The next panel should offer specifics about the company or the product or service.
How does it work? What does it cost? How long will it take? What payment options are there? 6.
The final inside panel should offer proofs that the company will provide what you say it will.
Include testimonials, awards and/or testing or survey results showing how well it works.
Of course, this is only a basic guideline.
Your brochure may be designed differently depending on your company's needs.
Think of each panel as a module that can be easily rearranged, except for steps 1 and 2 above, which are essential.
However, your brochure should have a flow from one panel to the next so that it will be appealing to read.
In addition to the text, your brochure should have an attractive color scheme and descriptive graphics that are appealing to the eye.
The most informative brochure in the world won't do your company any good unless someone reads it.
Likewise, the most attractive brochure in the world won't do your company any good unless it tells someone something he or she needs to know.
Designing a brochure can be an enjoyable process.
It can also help you think about your company's goals and objectives.
However, many business owners are too busy with other aspects of their business to focus on their publications.
You owe it to your business to hire an experienced copywriter to design the brochures it deserves.
If you need a new brochure for your company, consider hiring a professional copywriter.
Generally their services are surprising affordable and the additional expense will be quickly regained when more customers learn about your company and its products and services.
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