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So everyone is in Mendorra and we have to endure this storyline and another bout of Tina and Carlo Hesser. So, Talia is Carlo Hesser’s daughter, big surprise, and although she hasn’t seen him since she was very small, obviously she knows how far his evil reaches and went along with the plan to kidnap Sarah for fear of his retaliation. How nice, being a dedicated cop and having that monster for a father.
Poor Talia.
And how obnoxious is Tina? Did you notice that when she told the guard at the palace in Mendorra that her little doggie, David Vickers, was no longer with her she shed some real tears? Did you also notice that when she realized that her beloved daughter Sarah was kidnapped she was totally dry eyed? I wonder how long we’re going to have to endure this storyline. Anybody up for turning Nash’s death into a bad dream and bringing him back? LOL!
So, as usual, we wind up at Todd’s doorstep, where he is feeding Marty even more of his lies. Of course Marty wants a change of scenery and just as Todd is carrying her downstairs (eww, that was weird), Blair rings the doorbell. I would love for Blair to just write Todd off for good, but she can’t help taking the bait every time. She can’t refrain from pressing him about another woman and he just loves that in his sick little mind when he says, “Not only are you jealous, but you’re still in love with me.” What makes my skin crawl is that he’s probably right.
Then he goes and tells Marty that Blair is suing him for divorce and that it’s all because of John McBain. He tells her that John has been seeing his wife and has turned his kids against him and ruined his life. OMG, could the lies and deceit fall any more freely from this guy’s mouth? It’s so easy for him to come up with this garbage and spin a story to a “poor me” conclusion. It’s scary how sick Todd really is.
This brings me to Starr and Cole. Although they tried to work things out, it is obvious that Starr is intent on giving up the baby and Cole is just as intent on raising the child with or without Starr. This is a terrible situation, especially when Cole finds out that Starr wants to give the baby to Michael and Marcie. Cole is unrealistic as far as what the future will bring and what it will take to raise a child and Starr is not even considering what it would feel like to give birth to a child and then watch someone so close to you raise it. Cole feels helpless at this point and the fact that he goes to Todd and tells him the truth just kills me. I guess it had to happen sooner or later that Todd would find out, but I hate that it had to come from Cole.
And cheers to Viki who has been going through so much lately and doesn’t need one more stupid, nasty comment out of Dorian’s mouth. I loved it when Dorian had the nerve to park herself at Nora and Viki’s table and said to Viki, “I feel so sorry about Nash and I’m sorry for you because it’s so awful that Natalie and Jared are living together” and Viki blasted her back with, “You are an evil witch so fly away!” It was great line and it’s just too bad that Dorian is like Teflon when it comes to insults from Viki.
See ya next week.
FAN FEEDBACK AND QUESTIONS continue on next page > >