Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How to Keep a Man Happy - The EA Formula

If you are asking the question; "How do I keep my man happy?" The answer is fairly simple but, easy to overlook.
You see, us men get a bad rep when it comes to what we want from women.
The media portrays us as being; beer drink'in, football craz'in fast car drive'in skinny super model chasing Neanderthals.
Although it may be true that a good percentage of us men do enjoy drinking beer, watching football and can appreciate the elegant curves of a nice looking woman, these things are mere entertainment.
You may have heard the old saying, "The fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
" And yes, men do like to eat but, food is just a necessity of life that can help keep your man happy and healthy.
What I am about to share with you is the most powerful; sure fire way to keeping a man happy and coming home to you every night.
Thoughts of you will be running through his head all day long.
The E.
I call it the E.
The "E" is for ego and the "A" is for admiration.
We all have egos, and yes, even you ladies have egos.
We all love it when someone strokes our ego.
And admiration! Just think about it.
How good does it feel when some say's to you, "I admire the way you handled that situation.
" Or when someone stops to take a better look at the car you're driving or the shoes you're wearing.
Doesn't that feel good? Why He Would Rather Be at Work Why do you think so many affairs happen at work? You have a guy whose middle to upper management, he's been doing his job for a long while and has probable gotten quite good at it.
Throw in a lady he works with that looks up to him or genuinely respects what he does and lets him know it.
You now have a recipe for disaster.
She's attacked to him at first just by the way he handles himself in the office.
Confident and sure of himself.
He becomes attracted to her because she respects and admires him for what he takes pride in.
Home Life Then the man goes home and he hears things like; you forgot to take out the garbage again! Why didn't you pick up the dry cleaning like I asked you! Do I have to do everything around here! Next thing you know, he's spending more and more time at the office and less time at home.
Can you blame the guy? Where would you want to spend your time? With someone whom respects and admires you with a little ego stroking or with someone who can't do anything but find fault in whatever you do? I know life gets hectic and mundane at times and the little things get over looked.
I mean heck! He should just know by now that he's a great husband and father that is why you married him right? Well, next time you find your husband or boyfriend doing something that you like or appreciate, let him know.
How to Keep a Man Happy You would be surprise how effective saying something like;" I really admire how well you do that.
" Or "Honey, what did I ever do to deserve a great man like you?" You just might find him doing more of those things.
And spending a lot more time at home.
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