- 1). Shampoo your dog with a soap that is specially formulated for dogs. Comb out any mats.
- 2). Tie a leash around the schnauzer's neck and gently tighten it on a grooming table. Alternatively, you can ask someone to hold and comfort your schnauzer, but it may try to escape. Place your hand underneath the dog's belly.
- 3). Shave the dog down the back from just below the back of the neck with a seven or a 10 blade. Shave against the grain along the back with the seven blade. The seven blade will give you a 1/8-inch cut when done with the grain and against the grain. A 10 blade will give you a 1/8-inch cut by only shaving with the grain.
- 4). Shave with the grain along the tail using either a seven- or a 10-grain blade.
- 5). Shave down the sides of your dog and leave approximately three inches to dangle, just before the shaved portion reaches the belly. Clip the belly hair with scissors by about one inch. Shave the chest. Shave the legs from bottom to top. Some dog owners choose to keep the leg furnishings.
- 6). Shave from the bottom back of the neck to the top of the forehead. Carefully shave around the ears.
- 7). Clip the face hair carefully with short scissors. You can keep this as long as you like, but it usually falls two or three inches to each side of the mouth area. Keep fur measuring about 3-by-1 inches above its eyes intact.
- 8). Shave the loose hair from below the feet padding.