- 1). Cover your floor with white linoleum. This plastic-based material will last for ages, is at the inexpensive end of the spectrum and is a breeze to clean. A quick daily mop and monthly (or so) shine, and your floor will remain white for years to come.
- 2). Paint walls in a white paint with an eggshell finish, using a paint roller with a 1/4-inch nap roller. Remember to get eggshell or satin finish because semi-glossy or glossy paint will reflect light and make the kitchen appear too bright. This particularly happens if the kitchen is on the small side.
- 3). Use your imagination for your ceiling. Either paint the ceiling an off shade of white or use tin-type panels. These panels are available at home supply stores. Some have adhesive on the back, while others have to be nailed down with finishing nails. Don’t forget the ladder, either way you choose.
- 4). Select white appliances to keep the lines clean and even. Keep a porcelain repair kit on hand for mishaps. Generally, the sooner you can repair a nick in a porcelain appliance, the better off you will be in the long run.
- 5). Opt for a movable storage table that accommodates four stools. When the table is in use, the stools can be spread around the table. When the table isn’t needed, all four stools can be stored on one side of the table, up against the wall. The other side of the table should have a set of storage cabinets with beadboard doors.
- 6). Let your color shine through with your accessories. Splurge for a chandelier covered with lemon yellow crystals, bright pink stool cushions or a Caribbean blue trash can.