- 1). Open the VLC Player program. If you do not have a copy, one can be downloaded for free from the VLC website.
- 2). Load a previously saved playlist by navigating to "Open File..." under the "File" menu. Select the M3U or PLS playlist file to open it in VLC.
- 3). View the playlist by clicking the playlist button located next to the playback controls on the main transport interface.
- 4). Add media items to a playlist by either using the "Open File..." dialog while the playlist viewer is open, or by using the "Manage" menu located in the playlist window.
- 5). Use the "Sort" menu to change the order of songs based on artist, title and other criteria or to shuffle the playlist order. In Mac OS X, the files can be sorted by clicking the column headers in the playlist viewer.
- 6). Select the playback mode using the three buttons at the top of the playlist viewer. These buttons select between random playback, playlist repeat or single item repeat. In the Mac OS X interface, playback mode is selected from a drop-down menu below the playlist.
- 7). Save a playlist using the "Manage" menu or by selecting "Save Playlist..." under the "File" menu in Mac OS X.