Many people have come across excessive sweating problems in daily life. It is an integral part of body process which is a need for maintain the body temperature, but sometimes over sweating can become a curse. In medical term, excessive sweating is known as hyperhydrosis. Face, trunk, feet, palm, and upper parts of the body are the major parts of the body where excessive sweating occurrence. Excessive sweating is of two types, primary and secondary. The primary sweating is cause due to a genetic predisposition and starts during adolescence. Certain conditions and situations exacerbate the situation for many armpit sweating sufferers such as nervousness, anxiety, intake of certain foods, drinks, caffeine, nicotine and smells. While the secondary caused due to thyroid or pituitary gland disorders, diabetes mellitus, gout, menopause or certain drugs. If you are wearing tight cloths then also it can be one of the possible causes of sweaty armpits. But, not to worry because by following remedies for sweaty armpits, you can easily solve this problem.
Approximately 1 to 2% of the world's population suffers from too much sweating. It is a medical condition where parts of the body are sweating beyond the bodies physiological requirements. Sweat is a clear and salty liquid which created by sudoriferous glands that present in skin. Armpit sweat is a normal occurrence which happens when a person needs to release some fluids from the body. If you feel more than normal then it means that you are suffering from this problem. Sweating also occurs with bacteria present on the skin. For the production of typical smell, bacteria are responsible. Regular bathing can prevent you from such body odor. You can follow some treatment tips to solve the problem of excessive armpit sweat, or axillary hyperhidrosis. You can use for such a problem are topical treatments, oral medication, injections and surgery. By applying anti-perspirant every day, you can stop sweaty armpits that are more long term. You can also try botulinum toxin or botox injected into your underarms to help disable the sweat glands that are found there. If Armpit sweat problem is more serious then you also have the option of surgery which is the permanent solution of excessive sweating.
Approximately 1 to 2% of the world's population suffers from too much sweating. It is a medical condition where parts of the body are sweating beyond the bodies physiological requirements. Sweat is a clear and salty liquid which created by sudoriferous glands that present in skin. Armpit sweat is a normal occurrence which happens when a person needs to release some fluids from the body. If you feel more than normal then it means that you are suffering from this problem. Sweating also occurs with bacteria present on the skin. For the production of typical smell, bacteria are responsible. Regular bathing can prevent you from such body odor. You can follow some treatment tips to solve the problem of excessive armpit sweat, or axillary hyperhidrosis. You can use for such a problem are topical treatments, oral medication, injections and surgery. By applying anti-perspirant every day, you can stop sweaty armpits that are more long term. You can also try botulinum toxin or botox injected into your underarms to help disable the sweat glands that are found there. If Armpit sweat problem is more serious then you also have the option of surgery which is the permanent solution of excessive sweating.