- 1). Buy a waxing kit that includes wax, wooden dowels and cloth strips.
- 2). Lay out all necessary items before you begin waxing. Include warm towels and lotion to soothe freshly waxed skin.
- 3). Heat the wax in a microwave-safe bowl or on the stovetop following the directions included in the kit.
- 4). Clean the skin with antibacterial wash and trim the hair to 1/4 inch.
- 1). Spread a 1/2-inch strip of hot wax over the upper portion of the pubic region. Work your way from the top, near your belly button, to the bottom. Apply the wax in the direction of the hair growth.
- 2). Firmly press the cloth strips included in kit over the waxy portion of the skin, leaving a small lip of unwaxed cloth.
- 3). Pull the skin taut with one hand, grasp the unwaxed portion of the cloth and quickly rip it from the skin, pulling against the grain of the hair to ensure a smooth finish. Immediately press the dry washcloth over the newly waxed portion to lessen the pain. Repeat until the entire upper pubic region is free of hair.
- 4). Work your way down the pubic region. Apply thinner strips in accordance with the anatomy. Remove all hair from the top, sides and bottom of the pubic region. Run your hands over the area a few times to ensure it is free of hair. If hair remains, reuse most recent strip and press it back onto skin to remove any stray hairs.
- 5). Use tweezers to remove the remaining stray hairs.
- 1). Remove excess wax by rubbing baby oil or petroleum jelly onto the skin.
- 2). Wash the region with antibacterial soap to remove any wax buildup and ensure cleanliness.
- 3). Apply a soothing lotion such as aloe to help ease the inflamed skin.