Vibram FiveFingers product line of individual toe pocket sports shoes are no longer a fad. More and more people are using them to run, hike, kayak, and even to play golf. If you’ve ever tried to check them out at a store and there hasn’t been a salesperson to help you out, you probably were overwhelmed with all of the sizes and maybe you even had difficulty in putting them on.
After recently testing the Maiori and the Signa, two of Vibram’s latest FiveFingers shoes and their own ones made specifically for the water, I learned a few things about how to choose and wear comfortably Vibram’s toe-pocket shoes.
Here is my advice on how to size your foot for Vibram FiveFingers products.
How to Find the Right Size FiveFingers For You
Vibram’s website has some great instructions on how to figure out the right size FiveFingers. However, since these instructions are more easily performed at home, if you’re going to a store you probably didn’t measure your foot first. Of course, any sports shoe store worth shopping should have skilled sales people to help with this, but I recommend doing your do diligence at home first and allowing the in-store measuring to confirm what you already know. Here is how I found it easiest to measure my foot and find the right size Vibram FiveFingers.- Find a hard surface floor that butts up against a wall to measure your foot.
- Grab a tape measure or a ruler that is longer than your foot.
- Remove Your Socks.
- Stand with your right heel against the wall and mark where your longest toe comes out to. It doesn’t matter whether your big toe or the one next to it is longer. You’ll need to mark and measure the longest toe.
- Stand with your left heel against the wall and repeat the procedure.
- Take the measurement of the longest toe on the longest foot. You’ll need to record the number in inches and in fractions of an inch. NOTE: Vibram’s website recommends standing right on the ruler to take the measurement. If using a tape measure it can’t be done that way.
- Use the Vibram FiveFingers’ sizing guide to convert to your FiveFingers size.
- This of course is only a preliminary sizing of your foot. You won’t know for sure until you actually try on a FiveFingers model.