Ideas which are considered to be unbelievable or not feasible at one point of time may become reality at some other time. Not long ago, the idea of online shopping was unfathomable. Today, it has turned into a reality and is one of the most popular forms of business activity for many. Purchasing anything without visiting a shop was totally unacceptable years ago as most of us did not believe in buying any thing which we could not see or feel. Shopping for things however small or trivial would happen only in person. Nobody ever dreamt that a day would come when virtual transaction would happen and literally things and services could be purchased without physically going to any shop.Buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as internet is called Electronic commerce or e-commerce. Online shopping is one of important parts of e-commerce where transactions of buying and selling happens virtually which works dependent upon technologies like electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data transfer and interchange and inventory management. Other technologies involved are telephone and mobile devices and e-mail. E-commerce, which basically began for transfer of funds took the next step with credit cards and has grown in leaps and bounds with online shopping for household needs.Online shopping has gained popularity in the recent years and is still growing has given a new dimension to shopping. The trend which began with some electronic gadgets and other things has now reached a stage where groceries and home essentials are purchased online. Innumerable online grocery stores have been established with the growing popularity of online shopping. Online grocery stores in India are plenty as it is easy to shop with the aid of technology rather than running around to the super market during the busy hours.
Whether weekdays or weekends shopping trip is strenuous for working couple or people with small children and other problems. Along with these one has to beat the heavy traffic or the long queue at the billing counters to finish their purchase. Thus, shopping for home essentials has become more of a trouble rather than pleasure. Thus, online shopping has become a boon to many after the teething problems like quality of product and on time delivery have been solved.
Some of the greatest advantages of online shopping are:
Variety: With world wide online shops open for business, one can find a wide variety of products irrespective of the geographic area. Choices of sizes or colors are larger in comparison to local shops.
Convenience: This is one of the main reasons for the popularity of online shopping. With our busy schedules, shopping becomes a chore. Thus online shopping where a business is open round the clock, it is the simplest and convenient way.
Comparison of Prices: The prices displayed against each product make it easy to compare the prices and features between different vendors leading us to get the best buy.
Sending Gifts: Online shopping enables the easiest way of sending gifts on time.
Being more beneficial to all, online shopping is one of the best ways to shop and get a good bargain for quality products of good brands.
Whether weekdays or weekends shopping trip is strenuous for working couple or people with small children and other problems. Along with these one has to beat the heavy traffic or the long queue at the billing counters to finish their purchase. Thus, shopping for home essentials has become more of a trouble rather than pleasure. Thus, online shopping has become a boon to many after the teething problems like quality of product and on time delivery have been solved.
Some of the greatest advantages of online shopping are:
Variety: With world wide online shops open for business, one can find a wide variety of products irrespective of the geographic area. Choices of sizes or colors are larger in comparison to local shops.
Convenience: This is one of the main reasons for the popularity of online shopping. With our busy schedules, shopping becomes a chore. Thus online shopping where a business is open round the clock, it is the simplest and convenient way.
Comparison of Prices: The prices displayed against each product make it easy to compare the prices and features between different vendors leading us to get the best buy.
Sending Gifts: Online shopping enables the easiest way of sending gifts on time.
Being more beneficial to all, online shopping is one of the best ways to shop and get a good bargain for quality products of good brands.