Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

How to Play Guitar Online - Better Than Lessons From the Local Shop?

Let's be honest, learning how to play any instrument is tough.
You can do all the studying you want to, but without practice you won't improve.
And by practice, I don't mean pick up the guitar and strum for 5 minutes a day.
I mean you have to have the dedication and determination to succeed and actually want to learn to play.
You have to put in the time.
"No pain, no gain" sort of thing.
So if you wanted to learn how to play, how would you go about doing it? If you go to any local bookstore you will find many different books on playing instruments, and where they all may be helpful, complete with colorful illustrations, they just aren't the way to go.
When I first started playing, I was fortunate enough to have a friend that taught me the basics.
And by basics I mean she taught me how to hold the guitar and how to use a pick.
After a time, I could play the first 4 chords of "Free Falling" by Tom Petty (pretty much my favorite musician ever), but it didn't come easy.
I asked her where she learned to play since she was so good, and her answer led me to the path I took to get where I am now.
She didn't learn from taking private lessons out of a local guitar shop or from reading a book on how to play guitar.
She learned how to play guitar online, from a program similar (yet worse) to the program I myself found and used.
I was rather shocked to hear this since it strays from the norm of learning instruments, but it did make sense.
If you have a video tutorial that shows you exactly how to play guitar online, it's better than having an instructor because you can go back and watch whichever lesson again and again without having to worry about time constraints.
Fortunately, there are now many such programs as we're in the Digital Age, but the problem is in finding a good one that works for actually learning how to play guitar online.
I'd encourage anyone trying to learn any instrument (for me it was guitar) to do some research and find such a program, since in my experience they definitely work.
The one I used that worked for me is Team Method Guitar, but there are others; some are bad, some are good.
The choice is yours, but no matter what, good luck, and remember to put in the time if you want to improve!
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