Technology Computer & Networking security

Understanding Malware and Its Dangers

Malware, also known as malicious software, are software or programs that will download itself on computers and then proceed to damage your computer, steal your personal information, or perform dubious operations without your knowledge.
Malicious software can be introduced to a computer system via search engines, toolbars, music players, free subscriptions, game demos and other programs that require you to download something online.
While malware is very similar to a virus, it has a bigger potential for causing serious problems.
Once malware has downloaded or installed, it can access and send sensitive information to remote servers, commandeer your browser and direct you to phishing pages.
It can also keep track of your keystrokes, know your browsing choices, steal your passwords, or send annoying pop-up windows.
People should be wary of malware since it has been designed to fool the user into a false sense of security, by pretending to be a legitimate antivirus program.
To do this, the software starts by running a scan of your PC automatically.
After it's done with its so called virus sweep, it "discovers" other viruses on the computer system.
The malware will then try to convince the user to buy their antivirus software to be able to eliminate these viruses.
The computer scan will keep running even if one cancels it and if the scam does work and someone purchases the program, that person will only lose money and invite more viruses into their computer.
One big problem with malware is that it can work in a computer system without being noticed.
It also has the capability to cripple many of your computer's features, like the Task Manager, that might be able to help stop the malware attack.
Plus, malware is difficult to uninstall completely as it's programmed to be undetectable by most legitimate antivirus software.
Most malware need special software before they can be deleted totally.
No computer is beyond the reach of malware because their objective is to be downloaded secretly.
There are several steps that computer users can do to stop viruses and malware from being installed on your computer - • Be aware of how your computer is operating.
Unexpected activity or sudden slowness of your system can be a sign of malware presence.
• Fix your Internet browser to the highest security level so it will inform you of any download attempts by programs.
• Don't open or download files, software or programs from dubious web sites.
While most programs might appear to be legit and innocent, there's a big probability that some will contain malware or viruses that will wreak havoc on your PC.
Make sure you read every detail before downloading anything from the Internet.
Going over end-user agreements might seem mundane, but there might be relevant information in them, like you allowing the company to install different types of malware on your computer system.
In order to give your computer the best protection, make sure that you're using the best antivirus protection around.
Websites like www.
can help you decide on what software is best for your needs.
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