Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

Real Estate Development - The Secret You NEED to Know If You Want to Become a Property Developer

We've had a few people tell us that they really want to become a successful Real Estate Developer but aren't sure if they have what it takes.
So here's some information that we thought might help...
Having our own architectural practice means we're able to work with some of the most successful Real Estate Developers in the business and observe first hand exactly what type of mindset it takes that allows them to build property empires and accumulate massive fortunes.
Many studies have concluded that each one of us has a wealth blueprint.
From our earliest moments our views towards money are conditioned by the sources around us like our parents, friends, relatives, teachers, classmates and the media.
This programming ultimately influences our wealth accumulation.
We found that part of creating a 'Developer's Mindset' meant that we needed to first remove any blockages that could hold us back from achieving our true potential.
These blockages can be physical (a real injury), emotional (being judged or rejected), mental (not having language skills) or spiritual (taking certain teachings to their limit).
Whatever its type - these blockages can be like a big rock in front of you that impede your forward progress.
The problem is - it isn't always easy to identify these blockages.
We sort help from internationally renowned Personal Development coach Paul Blackburn and during his Mental Toolbox he explained to us that it's our money beliefs that can hold us back.
Paul classifies people's money beliefs as: - It's Easy: These people believe that there is never enough time to take advantage of all the opportunities they see lying around.
If you can, hang around these people, their attitude may rub off! - It's Hard: These people grew-up hearing 'we can't afford it', their catch cries include 'money doesn't grow on trees'.
They believe money is hard to come by and even harder to keep.
- Easy Come, Easy Go: By being in 'lucky' situations, they find money both relatively easy to make and ridiculously easy to blow.
They have a roller coaster existence, characterized by the expression 'easy come, easy go'! - Struggle: These people believe that it's not OK for money to just turn up - It must be earned.
They typically utter 'another day, another dollar'! - Always Broke: 'Money doesn't go as far as it used to' these people will often say they believe wealth is immoral, wrong or shameful.
- I'm Powerless: These people feel they are powerless to earn more, complaining 'I can't, it's too hard'.
As their parents usually gave them too much, they never learned to make an effort themselves.
- Drama Queen: They are always broke because there is always some earth shattering money difficulty occurring.
In the first eLesson of our RED Club mentoring program we talk about how we had to change our money beliefs and reprogram ourselves so we could attract an abundance of wealth.
We also talk about the mental habits as well as the amazing financial and business habits of the Rich that you should seriously consider adopting if you want to become a successful Real Estate Developer.
Many people have tried Real Estate Development in the past however not all of them have been successful.
Some have failed miserably simply because they didn't have the right mindset to begin with.
This step shouldn't be overlooked...
getting our mindset right was the underlying fundamental key element to our success.
Jim Rohn, the renowned American business philosopher wrote, "The most important part of becoming a millionaire is the person that you have to become to accumulate a million dollars in the first place.
" Likewise, many financial advisor's will say, "The first million is extremely difficult to acquire, but the second million is almost inevitable.
" This is a great insight - you will need to develop a different mindset and different habits from the average person in order to become a successful Real Estate Developer.
By becoming this kind of person you also become the kind of person who can then earn the second and third million.
If you happen to lose all your money, you would be able to make it all back again because you have become the kind of person who can make a million.
Essentially, by adopting the habits of the Rich and the mindset of successful Real Estate Developers, you can become one.
If you just sit and read this, then nothing is going to happen for you.
You need to roll up your sleeves and get moving.
If you want to change your situation you must take action because ahead of any other requirement is your personal motivation.
Only then can the money follow! Remember...
your success lies in your mindset.
It all starts with the quality of your thoughts! If you have positive thoughts, you'll have positive results and if you have negative thoughts you'll have negative results.
You must first believe you have the ability to create successful and profitable developments before it can ever happen.
Do you have a Property Developer's Mindset? If we could only ever attend one workshop in our lifetime then Paul Blackburn's The Mental ToolBox would be it.
The cost of attending The Mental ToolBox is usually $1,900 but as part of the Real Estate Development Club Mentoring Program all RED Club Members get to go for FREE as our Guests.
To find out more about Paul you can visit his website at: http://www.
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