When I was around six years old, someone read me the fable about the Tortoise and Hare.
It was explained to me that a tortoise was a turtle and a hare was a rabbit.
As a child, I could relate to the race in which they were engaged.
I don't believe that I was surprised by the turtle's victory.
Somehow, even as a child, I expected the turtle to win.
I can't remember what all happened to the rabbit, except that he got off to a very fast start.
The turtle just plodded along.
I can remember some of the pretty pictures in my book.
At the end of the story, I believe there was a cute drawing of the rabbit off to the side of the road, either eating grass or sleeping as the turtle crossed the finish line.
I recently heard someone explaining how to become wealthy.
The point was made that considerable wealth could be attained quickly.
There was an impressive example given of a person who had acquired great wealth in less than a year.
I didn't even have to ask myself the question about whether it was a good idea to make a lot of money really quickly.
I think I could have figured that out as a six-year-old.
You may be discouraged by how long it is taking you to become successful in what you are doing.
You may wish to become successful more quickly or wonder if you will ever succeed.
There was a man who, in addition to leading the nation of Israel, was once probably one of the wealthiest and unquestionably wisest men ever to have lived.
He believed that wealth, which was hastily gotten, would dwindle.
Conversely, he believed that the way to make money grow was to gather it little by little.
I have heard many stories about people who have achieved great success quickly and/or early in life and then either directly or indirectly in relation to their success developed some type of destructive habit, life-style, or addiction, which was hurtful to them and/or their family.
I am not saying that it is better to fail than to succeed.
We all know that is absurd.
What we all may not know is that it is also absurd to desire to succeed relatively quickly.
Think of a gourmet meal and how long it took to prepare it; now think of a cold sandwich at a fast food place.
You get the idea.
It may not appear to be so, but the most enduring road to prosperity is a slow one.
It was explained to me that a tortoise was a turtle and a hare was a rabbit.
As a child, I could relate to the race in which they were engaged.
I don't believe that I was surprised by the turtle's victory.
Somehow, even as a child, I expected the turtle to win.
I can't remember what all happened to the rabbit, except that he got off to a very fast start.
The turtle just plodded along.
I can remember some of the pretty pictures in my book.
At the end of the story, I believe there was a cute drawing of the rabbit off to the side of the road, either eating grass or sleeping as the turtle crossed the finish line.
I recently heard someone explaining how to become wealthy.
The point was made that considerable wealth could be attained quickly.
There was an impressive example given of a person who had acquired great wealth in less than a year.
I didn't even have to ask myself the question about whether it was a good idea to make a lot of money really quickly.
I think I could have figured that out as a six-year-old.
You may be discouraged by how long it is taking you to become successful in what you are doing.
You may wish to become successful more quickly or wonder if you will ever succeed.
There was a man who, in addition to leading the nation of Israel, was once probably one of the wealthiest and unquestionably wisest men ever to have lived.
He believed that wealth, which was hastily gotten, would dwindle.
Conversely, he believed that the way to make money grow was to gather it little by little.
I have heard many stories about people who have achieved great success quickly and/or early in life and then either directly or indirectly in relation to their success developed some type of destructive habit, life-style, or addiction, which was hurtful to them and/or their family.
I am not saying that it is better to fail than to succeed.
We all know that is absurd.
What we all may not know is that it is also absurd to desire to succeed relatively quickly.
Think of a gourmet meal and how long it took to prepare it; now think of a cold sandwich at a fast food place.
You get the idea.
It may not appear to be so, but the most enduring road to prosperity is a slow one.