Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Bureaucrats and Regulators to Declare Bankruptcy and Insolvency

It is so fascinating how our regulators sit behind desk and dream up rule after rule to be placed on business, yet are so unethical and irresponsible in their own lives.
Did you know that the average regulator is twice as likely to be over extended in their short-term debt to income ratios as the average American? In fact they are 4 times more likely to cheat and lie on the taxes? Did you know they are five times more likely to cheat on their wives with another woman or Man? Additionally they are six times more likely to misuse their agencies credit cards than the average corporate worker during travel? They are 16 times more likely to charge a trip to the government to travel to a gay and lesbian conference on the opposite coast to be free from getting caught in their promiscuity? This information was confided to me and I was appalled.
If you will look at the abuses, which are listed in the GAO reports for DOJ and regulatory agencies of the American Taxpayers money you would be appalled too.
Since we have such unethical government workers and regulators who have no problem enforcing rules on us, which they are unable to comply with themselves, we have a problem.
When bureaucrats and regulators will not even keep their marriage vows or the vows to their homosexual partners in Washington DC, how can we honestly believe for one minute they would honor their pledge to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America? We must make sure we have full disclosure of all government workers and monitor their bank accounts, travel expenses and sexual diseases they spread when going on government travel excursions.
The public has a right to know, what unethical misdeeds, misrepresentation and lies they up to, as well as "Full Disclosure" to prove they have never kicked their dog.
We want proof, these liars are raping our business community and they don't care whatsoever about Truth, Justice or the American Way.
Think about more government disclosure today.
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