- 1). Click the toolbox icon that looks like a nib pen, then click on the drawing canvas. Drag and click on several more screen positions to produce a wavy shape.
- 2). Click the "Windows" menu, then click the "Dockable dialogs" item. Click the "Paths" window to display that window.
- 3). Right-click the only item in the "Paths" window, then click "Stroke." Type a number between 10 and 20 in the dialog box that appears to tell Gimp how thickly you want to stroke the path. "Stroking" a path means to paint it.
- 4). Click the magic wand icon on the toolbox to run the "Fuzzy selection" command, then click the path you just painted.
- 5). Click the color swatch at the bottom of the toolbox, then click a color you want for the ribbon from the palette. Click "OK' to finish selecting the color.
- 6). Click the lasso icon on the toolbar, then drag a selection region around the stroked path.
- 7). Click the "Filters" menu, then click the "Motion blur" command, which makes images appear to move by blurring them. Click the "Radial" option in the dialog box that appears.
- 8). Click the up or down arrows of the "X" slider control until the image in the "Preview" pane expands. Repeat this instruction for the "Y" slider. This step establishes the point around which the "Motion blur" filter rotates the image you drew to create the blur.
- 9). Drag the "Angle" slider to the right until the "Preview" twists to the orientation you like, then click "OK" to make Gimp apply your settings for "Motion blur."
- 10
Click the paintbrush icon in the toolbox, then drag the mouse over the faint parts of the ribbon to darken it.