Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Where to Look And What To Do When Scarcity And Poverty And Famine Explode Across Our Globe!

The world is so polarised, just now with the fabulously rich and the appallingly poor around us in nearly every nation.
When men turn their back upon Almighty God and when there is a reject of Jesus Christ, this is what happens when there is a lack of the presence of the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ.
We will have more and more of those living eking out a living, and no more.
This is your world.
You have made it like this.
Hope you like it! The Lamb opens this third seal and a black horse or even darkness, depicting the absence of the presence of the Gospel.
There is no light and there is a pair of scales, and there is severe need and pain.
These are from the visions revealed to us by John the apostle in the book of Revelation, and these significant details flow from the visions given to us in Chapter 6.
Do take time to read what God has revealed because I have witnessed something of this reality in my visits to Uganda and Kenya when teaching and working away in the slums and out in the villages where there is no water!