Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Glass Fencing Prices

Glass fencing prices in Australia are a bit tricky to estimate because there are 2 main types of glass fences you can get with a variety of fixing options.
First let's explore the two types of glass fencing you have to chose from: 1.
Frameless Glass Fencing: Is considered the ultimate in style for swimming pool fencing mainly because it provides an unobstructed view of your entire pool.
Because it is made from 12mm toughened glass it offers the same security of a regular fence.
Frameless glass fencing are held in place with 2 mini posts at the base of each panel (called spigots).
Semi-Frameless Glass Fencing: Is chosen by those people that don't necessarily buy into the hype (and the expense) of frameless glass.
Semi-frameless glass fencing has the same stylish transparent look but is about half the price of frameless.
Really the only difference is the metal posts between panels and butting against walls.
In fact the posts can be fixed to walls, concrete or almost anything, ensuring the same high level of security and safety as any other type of fencing you may be considering.
Panels are manufactured from toughened 10mm clear glass and gates are usually made from 8mm toughened glass.
Okay so you've decided which type of fence you want, are you going to install it yourself in a DIY project, or will you choose to have a fencing contractor install it for you? The fencing price per metre for glass fencing to be installed by a fencing contractor is all inclusive of both materials and labour.
They will usually add a margin for the supply of the materials.
Fencing contractors will quote for you on a per linear meter basis.
So what are the two glass pool fencing prices per metre? In general, without any special fixing conditions (see below) you should allow the following at least: Frameless Glass: Approximately $600 per lineal metre.
Semi-Frameless Glass: Approximately $275 per lineal metre.
If you choose to install glass pool fencing by yourself it will cost you less - obviously.
Installing glass is a little trickier than tubular aluminium, but all of the online retailers provide you with step-by-step guides.
The fencing prices of individual glass panels if you buy online are as follows: Frameless Glass: About $65 for a 600mm wide panel up to $190 for a 1.
8 metre long panel.
Semi-Frameless Glass: About $55 for a 600 wide panel up to $125 for a 1,7 metre long panel.
Of course you have to buy posts and most companies will sell the glazing kits with the panels (for semi-frameless).
You will encounter various factors that will effect the pricing of your pool fencing whether you choose to do it yourself or have a professional installer do it for you.
Do you have any existing fences that need to be removed? Don't forget to cost this in! And if you live in a remote area or your property is not easily accessible, additional time and expense will be a definite.
It is generally cheaper to install a fence onto timber decking because you will not need concrete nor epoxy filler.
If you are only building a small length of fence and having it installed by a contractor, obviously this will cost more per metre than if you are doing the full distance around a large pool.
Like everything there are economies of scale.
How many gates do you plan to have? Gates are more expensive than the general run of glass fencing.
Glass fencing prices need to allow for an additional few hundred dollars each and will also include the self closing latches (called Magna Latches by brand name).
So as you can see, there are varying factors that will affect the final price of your glass pool fence, whether you choose to DIY or have a professional do it for you.
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