- 1). Comb hair thoroughly with a wide-tooth comb ensuring to start at the root of the hair. Shampoo and condition hair. Dry your hair with a towel once you have rinsed the shampoo and conditioner out.
- 2). Leave the hair a little damp, so blot the hair with a towel.
- 3). Part hair into eight sections so it is easier to comb hair roots. Use hair clips to hold seven of the sections of hair down.
- 4). Apply the hair-straightening gel to the section of hair that is without a clip. Use extra gel on the roots. Place the comb attachment on the blow dryer.
- 5). Blow dry the hair by starting at the root of the hair. Stay on roots for at least 10 seconds, moving the blow dryer slowly back and forth.
- 6). Work the dryer slowly to the end the hair. Take the dryer over the hair at least three to four times. Comb the dryer over the roots of each section for at least 10 seconds.
- 7). Take the clips off the remaining sections one by one, blow drying from root to tip of hair.
- 8). Ensure that there is no dampness in any sections of hair. Use a wide-tooth comb to comb all sections together once the blow drying is done.
- 9). Touch the roots of your hair to ensure they are straight.