- 1). Get an application. You can get an application in person at a WorkSafeBC office, by downloading the form from the WorkSafeBC website, or by calling WorkSafeBC at 888-922-2768. See Resources for a list of WorkSafeBC office locations.
- 2). Gather your information. The application requires that you give specific details about your business, so get that information together before you start to fill out the application. You need to know your CRA business number; your number of workers and when they were first hired; estimated annual payroll; the make and model of any major equipment; and details about your business operations including your start date and the names, birth dates and contact information of any partners or shareholders who are active in the business.
- 3). Complete the application. The application must be signed by an authorized representative of the firm.
- 4). Submit the application. You can bring the application in to a WorkSafeBC office, fax it to 604-244-6490 or mail it to:
PO Box 5350 Station Terminal
Vancouver, BC V6B 5L5 - 1). Go to the WorkSafeBC website (see Resources).
- 2). Click on "Register for Coverage."
- 3). Click on "Register Now." You will be prompted to choose which type of business you need to register: a firm with workers, a residential employer, a retail store or a restaurant.
- 4). Complete the registration for your business category. It should take between 20 and 30 minutes to complete. The information can not be saved and retrieved later, so you must complete the registration in one session.
Mail/Fax/In Person