Health & Medical Men's Health

Lack of Sleep and Erectile Dysfunction

These days, Americans are staying up later and later all the time because the world we live in caters to that lifestyle.
We have 24 hour pharmacies where we can get prescriptions filled at any time of the day or night, online banking where we don't have to wait to see a teller, and apps for smart phones that can basically perform any task that we might need done.
All of this caters to a lifestyle that is oblivious to time and place because you can do nearly anything, from anywhere, and at anytime.
But the sleep that you are missing out on due to all this new convenience might be causing you some major troubles in your ability to get and sustain an erection.
Lets take a look and see just how much your sleep is tied to your erectile ability.
The first way that not sleeping can affect your sex life is by the simple lack of energy that comes from such a lifestyle.
Most people who are sleep-deprived are not aware that they are even affected by their sleeplessness.
The fact is that it is like carrying a huge weight on your shoulders all the time.
You might think that you are functioning fine, but you are really suffering in every way.
You might be able to do all the things that you normally could do, but you just won't do them as well as if you had plenty of rest.
Another simple fact that is tied to many if not most of those who suffer with sleeplessness is that they drink lots of caffeine.
When you take in caffeine and coffee, your sex life will suffer.
This is because of caffeine's diuretic tendencies.
When you drink it, you have to urinate, and the blood stream is affected making it more difficult for you to get an erection.
Caffeine seems like an easy fix for someone who doesn't sleep well.
If you miss out on four hours of relaxing, reinvigorating rest, then you can just simply drink four cups of coffee! Easy enough, right? This logic is making your erectile problems doubly worse because you are implementing two negatives into your routine; sleeplessness and caffeine overload.
The most important thing that you can do if you realize that you have a problem with your pattern of sleeping is to consult your doctor.
Your sex life could be in danger if you do not do something about this problem right away.
Erectile dysfunction is known to be linked with sleeplessness and it is easy to see why.
Your body simply functions better in all aspects when you are getting a good, healthy, full night's rest.
We have all heard the phrase where people jokingly say about good sex that you will be "up all night.
" But the truth of the matter is that there are many ways in which sleeping soundly and comfortably through the night will bring you unspeakable benefits in your sexual life and in your daily life.
Get some rest and enjoy your sex life more than ever before.
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