Acid reflux disease commonly called as GERD occurs when the esophageal sphincter gets weakened.
Some times this part might open inappropriately which causes the contents to flow back to esophagus that might lead to frequent irritation.
The most common symptom for GERD is the heartburn.
It is estimated that approximately 19 million Americans are affected by this disease.
There is no age limit and it might attack any one.
There is an increased risk of GERD in expecting mothers.
The disease might subsequently trigger hiatal hernias, asthma, infection in the ear drums, sinus and much more.
Strict dietary changes and a modified lifestyle is the best solution for this acid reflux disease.
It is good to avoid tea and other drinks which can trigger the GERD symptoms.
Do not wear any kind of garments which apply pressure on the abdominal walls like the tight fitting under garments and pants.
Walking is the best exercise to get relieved from the symptoms.
Be cautious while you are taking medication for any other medical condition.
Most of the medications can lead to increased secretions of gastric acid.
It is recommended to have elevated head during the sleep to ease away the GERD symptoms.
It is good to sit straight to assist the digestion process easily.
When GERD symptoms are not notified and treated properly, it might lead to serious complications such as esophageal cancer, erosive esophagitis and many more.
It is good to follow some healthy tips to avoid all these problems.
One should not lie down after eating.
It is recommended to have 5 or 6 smaller meals rather than 3 heavy meals.
GERD is a serious concern when it gets complicated.
Some times this part might open inappropriately which causes the contents to flow back to esophagus that might lead to frequent irritation.
The most common symptom for GERD is the heartburn.
It is estimated that approximately 19 million Americans are affected by this disease.
There is no age limit and it might attack any one.
There is an increased risk of GERD in expecting mothers.
The disease might subsequently trigger hiatal hernias, asthma, infection in the ear drums, sinus and much more.
Strict dietary changes and a modified lifestyle is the best solution for this acid reflux disease.
It is good to avoid tea and other drinks which can trigger the GERD symptoms.
Do not wear any kind of garments which apply pressure on the abdominal walls like the tight fitting under garments and pants.
Walking is the best exercise to get relieved from the symptoms.
Be cautious while you are taking medication for any other medical condition.
Most of the medications can lead to increased secretions of gastric acid.
It is recommended to have elevated head during the sleep to ease away the GERD symptoms.
It is good to sit straight to assist the digestion process easily.
When GERD symptoms are not notified and treated properly, it might lead to serious complications such as esophageal cancer, erosive esophagitis and many more.
It is good to follow some healthy tips to avoid all these problems.
One should not lie down after eating.
It is recommended to have 5 or 6 smaller meals rather than 3 heavy meals.
GERD is a serious concern when it gets complicated.