- 1). Browse online free sites where veterans might gather. Sites like military.com have pages known as Buddy Finders, where veterans and related military servicemen might register their current locations as well as where they have served in hopes to find their compatriots. The World War II vet organization website (as listed in the Resources below) allows you to search for a member by name and area where he may have served.
- 2). Check with nationally known veterans organizations like the American Legion or Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). The military service member may have registered with a local chapter of either organization. Both organizations also have websites where you can contact other chapters where the member may have registered, such as his last known location.
- 3). Write the appropriate Veterans Affairs (VA) regional office with a request to contact a specific member. Pick the office closest to the last known location. Veterans who receive federal benefits from their service must register with the VA to receive them. Be sure to include as much information as you know about the person as well as your own contact information. The VA can then forward it to the most current address they have on record.