Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Inspirational Ideas for a Cubicle

    • Personalize every detail to inspire image by Raimundas from

      In a work environment as gray as a cubicle, your mind requires inspiration to retain its sanity. Inspiration may take many forms, and there are many ways to tastefully fulfill this need. Don't be afraid to get creative and hang up unusual pieces in your workspace. As long as they don't interfere with your work and are appropriate for a professional setting, you might find that adding to your work environment helps improve your stress level, creativity and, yes, happiness in your work day.


    • Ages old, this idea remains a favorite. Remind yourself of what's important by hanging up pictures of your family, close friends or pets. In a stressful environment, many people find this to be comforting and helpful when they need to remain calm. You can also hang up pictures of other things that provide inspiration. For example, if you are working towards a new car, home or other object, hang up a photo of it to remind and inspire you.


    • Quotations of all sorts can help lighten the mood of your work space. If you're the type of person to laugh stress away, hang up posters of sayings you find hilarious or downright ridiculous. Read one or two every time you need to crack a grin. If you are religious, try proverbs or quotations from your holy literature to inspire you.


    • Inspirational artwork can take a number of forms in addition to paintings and posters. Consider unusual mediums, such as collages, wood working or clay reliefs. Try abstract pieces of art that utilize several types of material. Consider pieces that contain a lot of detail, so that every time you look at it, your eye catches something new. This way you can break up your day by looking at something interesting and perhaps thought-provoking or idea-stimulating.

    Desk Accessories

    • Funny and unusual desk accessories can help personalize your space. They come in any size or shape, tailored to just about any subject. If your dream once was (or still is) to become a ballet dancer, consider a unique paper holder that is a ballerina figurine to hold all your important notes. Collage your favorite binders and notebooks with images inspiring to you, and decorate your pens and pencils with fun and colorful feathers, flowers or other materials. Making your office space feel like "you" helps overcome the tedium of everyday work.

    Comfortable Chair

    • While decorating your cubicle, don't neglect to outfit yourself with a comfortable chair. Choose one that is ergonomically correct, or outfit yours with comfortable cushions. Less pain means less demoralization; you'll be much happier to work when your back isn't sore and your legs haven't fallen asleep under the desk.

    Computer Details

    • Give your computer some personality by putting up your own custom desktop wallpaper. You can use any work-appropriate image, from an inspiring piece of classical art to a photo of you and your kids on a favorite vacation. Create a whole slide show for your screen saver and upload all of your favorite photographs.

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