Just as there are certain things in life that are almost unattainable, there are others than cannot be washed off.
COPD, which stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease falls under the latter category.
It is a lung disorder that causes narrowing of the airways, resulting in a marked decrease in the flow of air that deprives the affected person from breathing normally - it can be the most harrowing experience when the episode starts.
The disease follows a lingering course and is irreversible.
And when you cannot get a permanent remedy, or when healing is very difficult, you have to learn all about living with COPD.
By learning how to live with it, and treating the symptoms, you will be successful in preventing this recurring disease.
Since breathlessness is the most frightening part of COPD, those who are affected have to spend most of their energies in breathing the very air on which life depends.
Thus energy conservation is very important for tackling this condition.
But that is not all.
There are many other things that you can do for living with COPD.
Remember, small changes can lead to a huge difference.
Living With COPD - Here Are A Few Tips To Help You 1.
Teaching you how to breathe may sound incredible, but that's the key to solving the biggest problem faced by a COPD patient.
You may either try practicing "breathing control techniques" or learn "sectional breathing".
Pranayama, the old Indian art of self healing through breathing can help you heal your condition naturally.
The role of Pranayama in COPD rehabilitation has been accepted even in the US.
Avoid needless activities because this will provide you more energy for stronger breathing.
For instance, do not waste energy by drying yourself with a bath towel after shower.
Instead, wear a cotton robe that can do the job equally well.
Sit in front of a handy mirror while shaving instead of standing before the big bathroom mirror.
The Canadian Lung association has reported that this saves 25% energy.
Organize your daily activities in advance so that you can take up the most strenuous activities early in the morning when the body is bursting with energy.
Mix up jobs that are difficult and easy - do not leave all the heavy jobs for the Sunday.
Study the anatomy of a good posture and follow the guidelines.
A healthy posture can help you relax.
A refreshed body will be ready to face breathing problems for a longer duration.
Reorganize your cupboards, closets, shelves and drawers so that most items you need daily are within your easy reach.
Bending double to reach a pair of shoes in the bottom drawer will involve spending a lot of energy that could have been saved.
Keep your bronchodilators handy so that you may use them whenever necessary.
This is also true for cough suppressants.
Use mycolyctic agents if you find them helpful.
Make sure that you eat your daily meals properly.
Instead of keeping a count of the number of bread slices, count the calories.
Most COPD patients suffer from undernourishment since they remain more pre-occupied with their breathing problems.
Living with COPD is not really a difficult job once you get a hang of it.
The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is not infectious, but you will still need to be careful.
Remember, there are no permanent cures, and so you must learn how to live with it.
Though adults can learn this, but it is of course more difficult for an infant or toddler.
COPD, which stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease falls under the latter category.
It is a lung disorder that causes narrowing of the airways, resulting in a marked decrease in the flow of air that deprives the affected person from breathing normally - it can be the most harrowing experience when the episode starts.
The disease follows a lingering course and is irreversible.
And when you cannot get a permanent remedy, or when healing is very difficult, you have to learn all about living with COPD.
By learning how to live with it, and treating the symptoms, you will be successful in preventing this recurring disease.
Since breathlessness is the most frightening part of COPD, those who are affected have to spend most of their energies in breathing the very air on which life depends.
Thus energy conservation is very important for tackling this condition.
But that is not all.
There are many other things that you can do for living with COPD.
Remember, small changes can lead to a huge difference.
Living With COPD - Here Are A Few Tips To Help You 1.
Teaching you how to breathe may sound incredible, but that's the key to solving the biggest problem faced by a COPD patient.
You may either try practicing "breathing control techniques" or learn "sectional breathing".
Pranayama, the old Indian art of self healing through breathing can help you heal your condition naturally.
The role of Pranayama in COPD rehabilitation has been accepted even in the US.
Avoid needless activities because this will provide you more energy for stronger breathing.
For instance, do not waste energy by drying yourself with a bath towel after shower.
Instead, wear a cotton robe that can do the job equally well.
Sit in front of a handy mirror while shaving instead of standing before the big bathroom mirror.
The Canadian Lung association has reported that this saves 25% energy.
Organize your daily activities in advance so that you can take up the most strenuous activities early in the morning when the body is bursting with energy.
Mix up jobs that are difficult and easy - do not leave all the heavy jobs for the Sunday.
Study the anatomy of a good posture and follow the guidelines.
A healthy posture can help you relax.
A refreshed body will be ready to face breathing problems for a longer duration.
Reorganize your cupboards, closets, shelves and drawers so that most items you need daily are within your easy reach.
Bending double to reach a pair of shoes in the bottom drawer will involve spending a lot of energy that could have been saved.
Keep your bronchodilators handy so that you may use them whenever necessary.
This is also true for cough suppressants.
Use mycolyctic agents if you find them helpful.
Make sure that you eat your daily meals properly.
Instead of keeping a count of the number of bread slices, count the calories.
Most COPD patients suffer from undernourishment since they remain more pre-occupied with their breathing problems.
Living with COPD is not really a difficult job once you get a hang of it.
The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is not infectious, but you will still need to be careful.
Remember, there are no permanent cures, and so you must learn how to live with it.
Though adults can learn this, but it is of course more difficult for an infant or toddler.