Government's number one job in the United States is to protect the American people.
Anything else is purely an elective - it should only come after the fact.
First we must protect our borders, have a strong defense system, and protect our interests.
If we fail to do that, all of our hard work will be for not.
And we have a common defense, to protect all we are and all we've built for a reason - this includes the lives of every US citizen.
Lately, we seem to have a little bit of a problem in our government, as our elected representatives continually spend money on social programs, without remembering exactly why we have a government in the first place.
We have borders that leak, we are being infiltrated by drug lords, drug gangs, and we even have sleeper cell terrorists in our nation.
Why? We are smarter than that, we know better, and we've known it since the very first day of the forming of our nation.
So, I ask you; "Has Congress Lost Its Will to Protect Our Nation?" Well, okay then I have an idea which will solve this problem; as voters we should immediately lose our will to support any incumbent in Congress who piles on social programs and neglects to support our military, border security, or enforce the laws of our nation to protect the American People.
Got it? Apparently, the United States citizens have lost their will to kick out of office these folks who don't get it.
Should we blame it all on the Congress, or should we blame ourselves as voters for allowing this to occur? These are all very good questions, and yet, we allow them to take advantage of the situation, and we allow other voters who don't care about our nation as much, to continually vote for free stuff.
This has to stop.
Now then, let me tell you of my idea.
We must take back the government and return it to its original purpose, to protect the American people.
We have built the greatest nation ever in the history of mankind and we must protect it otherwise it will be exploited, and eventually attacked.
Karl von Clausewitz, the famous military philosopher explained it this way; "the political leader that fails to protect his nation, will do so at the expense of its people.
" And if we allow political leaders to get into office who fail to protect our nation or live up to our government's number one responsibility, then we are to blame.
I hope you will please make a note of that when you vote in November.
Think on it.
Anything else is purely an elective - it should only come after the fact.
First we must protect our borders, have a strong defense system, and protect our interests.
If we fail to do that, all of our hard work will be for not.
And we have a common defense, to protect all we are and all we've built for a reason - this includes the lives of every US citizen.
Lately, we seem to have a little bit of a problem in our government, as our elected representatives continually spend money on social programs, without remembering exactly why we have a government in the first place.
We have borders that leak, we are being infiltrated by drug lords, drug gangs, and we even have sleeper cell terrorists in our nation.
Why? We are smarter than that, we know better, and we've known it since the very first day of the forming of our nation.
So, I ask you; "Has Congress Lost Its Will to Protect Our Nation?" Well, okay then I have an idea which will solve this problem; as voters we should immediately lose our will to support any incumbent in Congress who piles on social programs and neglects to support our military, border security, or enforce the laws of our nation to protect the American People.
Got it? Apparently, the United States citizens have lost their will to kick out of office these folks who don't get it.
Should we blame it all on the Congress, or should we blame ourselves as voters for allowing this to occur? These are all very good questions, and yet, we allow them to take advantage of the situation, and we allow other voters who don't care about our nation as much, to continually vote for free stuff.
This has to stop.
Now then, let me tell you of my idea.
We must take back the government and return it to its original purpose, to protect the American people.
We have built the greatest nation ever in the history of mankind and we must protect it otherwise it will be exploited, and eventually attacked.
Karl von Clausewitz, the famous military philosopher explained it this way; "the political leader that fails to protect his nation, will do so at the expense of its people.
" And if we allow political leaders to get into office who fail to protect our nation or live up to our government's number one responsibility, then we are to blame.
I hope you will please make a note of that when you vote in November.
Think on it.