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Honda Reports Good Sales Figure For February

The increase in the popularity of the Honda Accord and the Honda CR-V pushed American Honda brand to post record sales figures for the month of February.
The subsidiary of the Japanese car maker sold more than 110,000 units of vehicles from the Acura and Honda brands last month.
Last year, the American Honda Motor Company, Inc.
sold 106,644 units in the month of February and this shows a 3.
2 percent improvement for this year.
Following a good sales outing in January with equally good sales figure for February, American Honda now has a total of 210,816 units of Honda and Acura vehicles sold for the first two months of 2007.
This year's year-to-date sales figure is 0.
7 percent higher than last year for the same period.
The Honda division's best seller is still the Accord.
American Honda sold 30,370 units of Accord in the region.
That is 20.
1 percent higher than the number of Accord sold during the second month of 2006.
While the conventional engine powered Accord enjoyed increased sales number, the hybrid version did not do so well.
From last year's 783 units sold for February, the number plunged to only 312 for the same month this year.
Another model line from the Honda division that made good progress on terms of the number of units sold is the compact SUV CR-V.
Last month, American Honda sold 31 percent more CR-V units compared to the number of the said model sold in February of last year.
Although Honda managed to increase their sales figure for February this year, there are Honda models which suffered declining sales numbers.
The Honda Civic, another popular sedan from the Japanese brand, received less attention in February of this year.
This is true for the conventional Civic.
American Honda sold 20,041 units of the Civic during the past month.
This is 18.
9 percent lower than the number of conventional Civic sold in February of 2006.
The hybrid version though of the Civic received much interest from car buyers.
There are 8.
1 percent more Civic Hybrid bought last month compared to February last year.
In the 24 selling days in February, the Acura division of American Honda sold 13,658 vehicles.
That figure is 3.
4 percent lower than the number of vehicles that the division sold last year during the same period.
Meanwhile, the luxury division failed to overshadow its performance last year for the first two months of the year.
Last year, Acura sold 28,127 vehicles for January and February.
This year, however, they sold 7.
1 percent less than that at 26,675 vehicles.
The best seller for the luxury brand is still the MDX.
The demand for the Honda Accord and the Honda CR-V that can be likened to the demand of the braking system to a Volvo brake hose is what keeps Honda as one of the more popular brands out in the market.
With the fuel efficiency and reliability that comes with the Honda brand, sales records like those set in February will surely keep on coming.
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