- 1). Choose the site. Your griselinia may live for 100 years and does not like to be moved, so choose the site carefully. It grows well in sun or part shade and tolerates dry conditions. Make sure there is enough space for the shrub at its mature size of 8 to 10 feet high and about 4 feet wide.
- 2). Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball of the griselinia you will plant. Mix compost in with the soil you remove from the hole. Add as much compost as you have--exact proportions are not as important as it is to add it. Carefully put the griselinia into the planting hole. Check to make sure it will be growing at the same level as it was growing in its nursery pot. Fill the hole halfway up with dirt and tamp it down with your foot, but don't compact it.
- 3). Fill up the planting hole with water and let it drain. Finish backfilling the planting hole. Firm the surface of the soil with your foot, but don't compress the soil.
- 4). Water the plant well after you have finished planting it. Put down 3-to-4 inch mulch of shredded wood bark or buckwheat hulls. Water your newly planted griselinia every few days until active growth begins. Fertilize monthly with slow-release granulated fertilizer.