We all have bad days, do we not? Not just in our trading, but in general life, we can have days where we are not feeling on form and this reflects in our trading results.
In fact, today is one of those days for me.
and I have just made myself an ice cream.
Yum, I feel better already! So, what am I really getting at here? In regards to your trading, you are better off halting all activity.
At least for the moment.
Whether you are watching the market and making decision as you go, you are looking at what happened today and deciding what you will do tomorrow or you are thinking about what you 'should' be doing..
STOP right there and take some time out to get yourself back on track.
No one ever trades successfully under pressure and when you are feeling less than great.
You are more likely to let you emotions control your trading.
You might second guess the decisions that you have made based on your trading plan.
You are more likely to make poor decisions.
So, what can you do when you are feeling less than great? I suggest you do something that will lift your spirits.
Something fun and that you enjoy doing.
Reward yourself with a small treat.
Here are a few suggestions: *Take a walk on the beach or somewhere you like to go to get some fresh air *Spend an hour or two catching up on reading your favorite book *Read something inspirational *Go to your favorite café for coffee and cake *Phone a friend who you know always has the right things to say which makes you feel better *Watch a funny movie *Go and spend some time with someone under 5 or with your favorite animal *Go and look up your favorite positive word in the dictionary and then find 20 similar words and write them down.
This is always a 'pick me up!' The key to taking some time out and doing something you enjoy is making sure you make the decision to do exactly that and not feel that you 'should' be doing something productive.
If you do one of these 'feel better' activities and then get back on task once you feel in a better frame of mind, you will always be more productive and have better results when you are feeling great, can follow your trading plan and you will make better decisions.
Know that when you are feeling a little, or even a lot, gloomy - there is always a way of getting out of that space and into a better space.
In fact, today is one of those days for me.
and I have just made myself an ice cream.
Yum, I feel better already! So, what am I really getting at here? In regards to your trading, you are better off halting all activity.
At least for the moment.
Whether you are watching the market and making decision as you go, you are looking at what happened today and deciding what you will do tomorrow or you are thinking about what you 'should' be doing..
STOP right there and take some time out to get yourself back on track.
No one ever trades successfully under pressure and when you are feeling less than great.
You are more likely to let you emotions control your trading.
You might second guess the decisions that you have made based on your trading plan.
You are more likely to make poor decisions.
So, what can you do when you are feeling less than great? I suggest you do something that will lift your spirits.
Something fun and that you enjoy doing.
Reward yourself with a small treat.
Here are a few suggestions: *Take a walk on the beach or somewhere you like to go to get some fresh air *Spend an hour or two catching up on reading your favorite book *Read something inspirational *Go to your favorite café for coffee and cake *Phone a friend who you know always has the right things to say which makes you feel better *Watch a funny movie *Go and spend some time with someone under 5 or with your favorite animal *Go and look up your favorite positive word in the dictionary and then find 20 similar words and write them down.
This is always a 'pick me up!' The key to taking some time out and doing something you enjoy is making sure you make the decision to do exactly that and not feel that you 'should' be doing something productive.
If you do one of these 'feel better' activities and then get back on task once you feel in a better frame of mind, you will always be more productive and have better results when you are feeling great, can follow your trading plan and you will make better decisions.
Know that when you are feeling a little, or even a lot, gloomy - there is always a way of getting out of that space and into a better space.