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Ugly People and Charisma

We are sure that the idea of ugly women who nonetheless possess unbelievable, charming and persuasive powers is not new to your mind. And this doesn't go true for women exclusively, but for ugly men as well. Despite their physical traits that render them totally unattractive, there are ugly people who are endowed with such magnetic personalities that you cannot resist them. For ugly women and ugly men alike, it is obvious that their charisma lies somewhere else than in their appearance.

On the contrary, there are beautiful women who lack charisma completely and risk being practically blanked out, completely obliterated in the magnetizing presence of charismatic and yet ugly women. Where does charisma come from? Can it be taught? It appears that it is something that can be achieved, but only with long years of practice. In short, charisma seems to be an attitude. When ugly people manage to get detached from what their physical appearance means to the society around them and, implicitly, to themselves, they have the opportunity of learning several techniques through which they can practically settle a sort of domination over a specific group of acquaintances.

The most important allies are self-confidence and nerve. But they should not strive too much to the extent where their endeavors are rendered visible. Ugly people should keep a close eye on the others, because there are many, even among their groups of friends, who are keeping them under close observation and noticing their every reaction to what is being said and done. In other words, both ugly women and ugly men need to become somehow socially conscious. When other people notice your interest in them, they will give a second thought to your attitude and may begin taking a liking on you.

Certainly, it may be that in the beginning of their endeavors to attain charisma ugly people simply fake it. By simulating it repeatedly, it will come to turn into something that they got used to and that appears to suit them in the most natural manner. Ugly women who are nonetheless smart enough to manage those around them to their advantage will never fail in the attainment of their goals. Even if ugliness is the most visible aspect at the physical level, they will mange to place a blur over it and win people around them with what matters most: intelligence, skill and understanding.

Indeed, most of the charismatic people, whether we include them within the parameters of ugliness or within those of beauty, manage to display empathy with the others. It is one trait that matters most in the impact that they have on those around them. Understanding your friends, relatives, acquaintances and even individuals you don't know anything about is a great skill that is not possessed by too many people.

Nonetheless, our brief introduction to charisma does not intend to lead you into assuming that all ugly people are charismatic. On the contrary, charisma is something that very few people – ugly and beautiful alike – can claim they own. However, the entire point if that even ugly women and ugly men can be charismatic. There is no rule stating that charisma is owned by the beautiful and handsome ones exclusively. Finally, what attracts us all about charismatic people is the feeling of control that they seem to radiate among those who surround them. Equipped with a positive attitude, even uglier ones can learn how to create such impressions over a group of people.

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