Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Importance of Tithing


    • Many passages in the Bible refer to tithing, and most Christian churches in the United States depend on tithes as their sole means of financial support. In the Old Testament, the tithe is defined as 10 percent of everything the tither earns, and that figure continues to be the standard in most churches today.


    • The authors of the Bible believed that everything came from God, and therefore, giving back only ten percent of everything a person received was believed to be a small request. Secondly, many people believe that when you give, you also receive.


    • Believers have always been encouraged to provide additional funds to support their church's ministries. Such funds are referred to as "offerings," and are completely voluntary and optional.

    Other Views

    • According to 2 Corinthians 9:7, "God loveth a cheerful giver." Many Christians take the view that if you decide to tithe, you should tithe, but if you are hesitant to do so, then you shouldn't tithe. You may also be led to give something other than money, such as your time, talents or the use of your vehicle or other possessions.


    • Statistics indicate that about 80 percent of Christians do not tithe. When people are struggling with debt and other financial problems, many of them feel that they cannot afford to give 10 percent of their income to a charitable purpose.


    • You should not give with the expectation that you will receive something in turn. The purpose of tithing is to demonstrate your willingness to obey God and to give thanks for the blessings you have received.

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