Health & Medical Men's Health

How to Get a Bigger Penis Naturally - You Really Don"t Need to Get Penis Surgery

There are a few different options available to help you get a bigger penis naturally.
You should not even consider getting penis surgery until you have explored these options fully.
Penis surgery is dangerous and expensive.
In some cases it does not work, and in some extreme cases the man can no longer have sex due to complications from the surgery.
You can get a bigger penis by using the natural methods listed below.
Penis Exercises Penis exercises are so popular because they work.
Thousands of men have made their penis grow by using them.
They are a cost-free way of enlarging the penis, and if done correctly can make it grow an extra inch or two in length.
There are different exercise methods you can choose from, with jelqing and Kegel exercises being at the top of the list.
Jelqing involves using a hand motion to get the blood flowing better in the penis and help stretch the tissues.
The time frame for results with jelqing is usually about six months because it must be done gently to avoid injury.
You will need to devote about ten minutes per day to these exercises to see maximum results.
Kegel exercises work on the floor of the pelvis and help stimulate blood flow to the whole groin area.
These exercises not only help increase the size of the penis, but they also help with erection and ejaculation problems as well.
Kegel exercises will not increase the size of the penis dramatically, but are best used in conjunction with jelqing to help strengthen the whole pelvic area while the penis is enlarging.
Penis Extenders These penis tools have become very popular within the last few years.
Word has spread about them working and as a result they have built up a solid reputation.
When used correctly penis extenders can make the penis grow longer within two to three months.
The extender gently stretches the penis for a few hours per day as you go about doing your daily business.
While many men choose this method, a lot of men choose not to use this method because the equipment worn is bulky and some find it too uncomfortable.
Penis Enhancement Supplements Although quite new to the penis enhancement community, penis supplements are making their mark as a reliable alternative to surgery.
They are available only on the Internet, and many men have reported very good results by using them.
Some men have grown their penis an extra inch within a month's time, while others find it takes two or three months to get this improvement.
Maximum results are usually seen at the three-month mark and it is not uncommon for the penis to grow by as much as three inches.
These options have proven effective for many men around the world that have been suffering from a small penis size.
You can get a bigger penis naturally with a bit of effort on your part.
You can get added benefits as well, such as stronger erections, strong powerful ejaculations and an increase in sexual desire.
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