The hectic modern lifestyle is the main cause of many disorders and diseases that are affecting bodily functions of humans. Mostly people all across the world suffer from one or any other disease. Amongst all these diseases there is one type which is extremely harmful yet prevalent. Cardiovascular diseases are so common nowadays that even children suffer from these disorders. Few major types of cardiovascular diseases and disorders are valvular heart diseases, heart failure, cardiomyopathy and hypertensive heart disease. These are just few amongst many major cardiovascular disorders and diseases that are common amongst individuals of different ages. There are many other disorders and diseases that are affecting people of various age groups.
The biggest issue of having a cardiovascular disorder or disease is that sometimes you don't even know that you are suffering from a cardiovascular malfunctioning. Most of us don't go for checkup until the symptoms start surfacing, which happens at severe stage of a disease. This makes it hard for individuals suffering from cardiovascular malfunctioning to lead a normal healthy life. In earlier times patients suffering from cardiovascular disorders gradually drifted towards their death due to lack of sophisticated technology in diagnosis equipment. However times have changed and the equipment available in the market nowadays are capable of detecting the minutest problem in functioning of organs inside human body. This technological advancement has hugely helped in detecting and treating cardiovascular disorder or diseases.
The ECG and EKG machines have revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular malfunctioning and disorders, which has made it possible to save lives of innumerable patients across the world. Electrocardiography is commonly known as EKG or ECG, which is the test done to detect the cardiovascular malfunctioning. The machine which is used to perform this test is known as electrocardiograph. The revolution in technology has made it possible to diagnose many cardiovascular conditions with the help of electrocardiograph.
Stress ECG
Stress ECG or EKG is the latest innovationin electrocardiography, which is also known as treadmill test or stress test. In this test the patient has to either walk on a treadmill or pedal a stationary cycle during the test. There are few defects in functioning of heart that can only be diagnosed when body of patient is active. The light exercise on stationary cycle or treadmill leads to rise in heart's activity, which helps in gathering information about heart's activity during exercise mode in order to detect cardiovascular malfunctioning.
The biggest issue of having a cardiovascular disorder or disease is that sometimes you don't even know that you are suffering from a cardiovascular malfunctioning. Most of us don't go for checkup until the symptoms start surfacing, which happens at severe stage of a disease. This makes it hard for individuals suffering from cardiovascular malfunctioning to lead a normal healthy life. In earlier times patients suffering from cardiovascular disorders gradually drifted towards their death due to lack of sophisticated technology in diagnosis equipment. However times have changed and the equipment available in the market nowadays are capable of detecting the minutest problem in functioning of organs inside human body. This technological advancement has hugely helped in detecting and treating cardiovascular disorder or diseases.
The ECG and EKG machines have revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular malfunctioning and disorders, which has made it possible to save lives of innumerable patients across the world. Electrocardiography is commonly known as EKG or ECG, which is the test done to detect the cardiovascular malfunctioning. The machine which is used to perform this test is known as electrocardiograph. The revolution in technology has made it possible to diagnose many cardiovascular conditions with the help of electrocardiograph.
Stress ECG
Stress ECG or EKG is the latest innovationin electrocardiography, which is also known as treadmill test or stress test. In this test the patient has to either walk on a treadmill or pedal a stationary cycle during the test. There are few defects in functioning of heart that can only be diagnosed when body of patient is active. The light exercise on stationary cycle or treadmill leads to rise in heart's activity, which helps in gathering information about heart's activity during exercise mode in order to detect cardiovascular malfunctioning.