Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Read This to Know How to Find a Quality Moisturizing Lotion

It's unbelievable.
Despite struggling with skin problems like dryness daily, most people do not take even the basic precautions to keep their skin healthy and damage free.
Then they go out and buy the wrong moisturizing lotion and kill any chances of still saving their skin (no pun intended).
Before we talk about the kind of moisturizing lotion you should use, there are a few things to set straight first.
No matter which skin care products you use; unless you protect your skin from damage and have the right diet it will still remain dull and lifeless.
As they say, prevention is better than cure.
So prevent any damage to your skin from the elements by wearing protective clothing when going outdoors.
That includes wearing a hat and sun glasses when going into the sun.
Scarves and gloves are very useful in the cold.
A healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins will go a long way in making your skin internally healthy and damage resistant.
Avoiding soaps and cleaners that are harsh in nature is essential if you want to preserve the natural moisture of your skin.
Using a moisturizing lotion with ingredients like Mineral Oil is also very harmful for your skin.
This oil is actually a harsh chemical which sucks the natural moisture of your skin slowly, finally leaving it even drier than before.
To find a moisturizing lotion that is really effective and doesn't harm your skin, you need to check and compare the ingredients of the different available lotions.
Look for natural ingredients like Manuka Honey.
This honey is a natural moisturizer and keeps the skin soft and supple.
This honey also has anti oxidant properties that keep the skin safe from free radical damage.
Avocado Oil and Macadamia Oil are plant based luxurious oils that penetrate deep into the skin and moisturize it from within.
They also nourish the skin with many vitamins, minerals and proteins that keep the skin healthy.
Avocado oil also has the benefit of removing the age spots from the skin - which is a very common skin problem today.
Shea Butter is a light, natural fat derived from the Shea tree.
It is very effective as a moisturizer and also acts as an emollient, making the skin soft and supple.
It protects the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun and also soothes inflamed skin.
Taking care of dry skin is actually very simple.
Just some basic skin care combined with an effective natural moisturizing lotion - that's it! To know about a good lotion that can keep your skin naturally beautiful, visit my website now.
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