Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Things To Know If You Really Need A Solar Power System At Home

Going solar takes a lot of considerations before you can implement a solar power system at home. It is clearly known that solar panels are not applicable in all areas of the world. That is why before buying solar panels, you have to consider the location of your home if it can give you enough sunlight to generate the expected electricity for your home.

Places located near the equator are somehow best places to install solar panels. Some areas include Southern California, Texas, Hawaii, Utah, Georgia, Florida and many other states that have more sunlight exposure. Northeast places of the US can be considered a good area but it cannot maximize if you have a full solar power system since there are a lot of rainy days and winter season occurrences.

The next thing you need to consider is the place within the house where you will install your solar power system. A lot of people think that to get optimum sunlight, the best place to put the system is on the rooftops. This is always true however there are some things that you must also check such as:

1. Exposure Direction - make sure that your solar panels for your home should be facing south to get the largest portion of the sun the whole day.
2. Shades - Even small shades can affect the production of solar power so it is best to clear all shades before setting up your solar panels.
3. Distance of Power Meter to the System - Long distance cabling could also affect the production of solar power, so it would be better if your solar power system is near your power meter
4. Clear Area - Make sure that your system is away from many people or streets since it produces high voltage electricity.

Proper angle of the Solar Panels

Angling of your panels should be relative to its wideness of your area. So if your house is located in Denver, Colorado wherein the latitude is around 40 degrees, your panels should be angled with 40 degrees horizontally. If you want to check correctly of what is the latitude of your area, you can check over the internet. You can estimate your latitude because it doesn't necessarily to be specific.
Another major factor that you need to consider is the government incentives and solar power rebates you can get from your system. This can help you save some money or spend less in going solar.
With this information, you should be able to find out if your house or business area can be solar powered. If think you'll install one, the next thing to do is to calculate your budget.

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