Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

The Wall Of Churches That Hides The Spirit Of God

It's a block of powerful resistance that is too wide to gird, too deep to go under, too tall to scale.
It's a wall guarded by fear and threats of eternal fire and burning.
It was shown to me many times in visions and before it was understood its magnificence had to be appreciated.
That took me back to Babylon and to the first religion of Islam.
In a vision a group of people gathered at dawn on a hill and they gazed towards a stone with a hole in it that was pointed towards the sunrise.
As the rays penetrated the hole the most glorious sight filled the air.
It was the many rainbow coloured rings of perpetually moving prismatic light and central to it the right-angled cross.
The people fell to their knees in awe.
The image earned the name 'Mari' which means 'mother's powerful eye.
' It is also 'Mary.
' Linguistically the sounds of early language were shown to me.
The letters of alphabets started as symbols; [r] equates with [a], [ah], and [ra] or [ray].
They all mean 'power'; [I] is from éye' and 'ma' is 'mother.
' [S] is an old term for 'spirit' or 'light.
' To show how they come together to form words í-s-I-s' is 'eye of power-eye of light' and it is the term given to describe the 'iris' of the eye which is a circle of coloured beauty, 'Mari' is the origin of 'marry' and men thought they could rise up with the sun by dying on the cross at dawn.
They expected to rise through the circle.
They were identified as 'bulls' or 'ba-al.
' In another form they were 'ba-al' of the 'eye' or 'ba-al-I.
' The hole became the 'bull's eye' and 'bullion' means 'rising bull' and it is a term used for precious metals.
The bull was the exchange and a 'bullish' market means 'stocks' are on the rise.
'Stock' is a term used to express a quantity of cattle or 'live-stock.
' It comes from 's-t-o-k', where [t] and [k] both relate to cross.
It reads, therefore, 'light-cross-circle -cross' and the circle and cross are sacred signs.
The beauty of Mary was such that men could not give her up and she travelled as those of her nation travelled.
They were the 'Amors' and they are noted in ancient Assyrian scrips as the most animal like savages who thought nothing of taking lives, inflicting extreme torture, and enslaving victims in horrendous ways to serve their purposes.
Following my reincarnation the Spirit commissioned me to tear down the wall of churches, go out to the people, and bring back the young.
" In a vision a dam was shown to me and it holds back an enormous body of water.
The ground in front of it was parched after many years of drought.
A crack appeared in the wall and then more cracks.
Suddenly the wall broke and the flood sunk into the ground and then the green shoots appeared.
These are the young of my commission and the water represents the outpouring of Spirit that is happening now globally.
But it is not touching those in religions because they are trapped behind the wall and are as the parched ground.
Until they let go of their fears and come away from the entrapment the wall has created they will never be part of God's inheritance.
Today I watched the funeral service for a famous cricketer who died tragically last week.
The priest walked into the room surrounded by others in white robes.
High above them was a crucifix on a pole carried in front by one of their number.
They waved their arms, formed the cross with their hands, and said prayers made by men as if they had power.
There was nothing powerful about it.
The Spirit needs no ceremonies, no icons, no parades, and certainly no man made prayers.
It is the little voice within and it is with its people continually.
It enlightens, delivers them peace, heals their pain, and fills them with power.
That is the difference and it is the wall that came from Babylon that hides it.
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