Health & Medical Nutrition

Know More On Healing Heartburn

Heartburn does not mean that it necessarily affects the heart. The term is so named as its main symptom is associated with a burning feeling in the lower part of the chest which is close to the heart region. This condition is related to the digestive tract and it is also identified as reflux esophagitis. When a person suffers from heartburn there is a sour feel in your throat and this generally occurs when a person eats heavy meals or lies down after consuming heavy meals. Some people often feel a burning feeling in the chest. Heartburn often causes an uncomfortable feeling to the person for minutes and even hours.
The food that we eat is generally passed from our mouths to a tube that is about ten inches long. This tube is known as the esophagus and before the food goes to the stomach it needs to pass through a passage that is to be found amid the esophagus and your stomach. This opening is a gate that closes when the food passes through. At times the opening does not shut and when the acid or the reflux fluid of the acid gets through the opening it goes right back into the esophagus. The reflux fluid causes irritation in the esophagus and these results in heartburn.
Heartburn implies a digestive problem that is related to meals and poor posture. Medications for indigestion are the main treatments that are rendered to the sufferer. The following is a guide that will help a great number of individuals to get relief from heartburn and prevent it to a large extent.
The primary symptom of heartburn is the burning feeling in your chest. This sensation also affect your throat, neck and jaw. The sufferer also belches regularly. Other symptoms are rising bile and a bitter flavor in the gullet and the mouth. There are other symptoms that may include a chronic cough and mimic asthma.
The factors that cause heartburn are smoking, pregnancy, being overweight, wearing tight clothes and eating large meals. Treatment is normally done by prescription drugs issued by a doctor and over the counter drugs like antacids. Home remedies can also be resorted to and they are equally successful for the cure and the prevention of the condition. Instead of opting for the local pharmacy store for treating the condition you can resort to the following remedies that have been outlined below:

  • Dry Ginger Ale settles a sour stomach by absorbing the gastric acid.

  • Mustard not only is used to be added to your ketchup but when eaten as a spread it is effective in preventing the discrepancy of the stomach acids that leads to heartburn and indigestion.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar helps you to sure and prevents the symptoms of heartburn. 2 teaspoons of this Apple Cider Vinegar needs to be added to a beaker of water and you need to drink this concoction bit by bit while eating your food. The acetic substance in vinegar will aid you to balance the stomach acids stopping heartburn.

  • Converted brand juice has complex carbohydrate that absorbs the stomach acids and relieves the burning sensation that is caused by the heartburn.

  • Spearmint Gum increases the production of saliva in the mouth that successfully neutralizes stomach acids and aids digestion.

  • Fennel Seeds: Two heaped teaspoons of the fennel seeds should be added to a cup of steaming water and allowed to steep for some minutes. The tea when drunk provides instant heartburn relief.

  • Peppermint is generally a garden plant and it can be chewed like bubble gum. Before you consume that you must ensure that you rinse the stems and the leaves of it well.

  • Rhubarb is a famous usual therapy for heartburn. You can chew or stew it. It gives you instant relief when chewed. If you want it stewed you need to rinse the stems and get rid of the leaves. Heat with sugar in addition to some water and consume to get instant relief.

The above are some simple steps that will relieve your heartburn and not permit it to be a nuisance in your life.

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