Your cat is most adorable when he is playful and friendly.
However, add a little boredom or a lack of activity to the life of your cat and they can become aggressive and unpleasant to be around.
To avoid or correct this behavior there are steps that you can take to improve the behavior of your cat.
Believe it or not, something as simple as adding some toys or even some cat steps to their furniture can help to eliminate negative behavior.
The first thing to understand is what causes negative cat behavior in the first place.
Once you understand the motive then you will be better prepared with a solution.
Just as a child can get into mischief when they have too much idle time on their hands, your cat can engage in negative behavior as a result of boredom, not receiving enough attention, or not getting the exercise needed to release all that pent-up energy.
Some cat owners have had positive results when they add activity based furniture such as cat steps to their pet's cat condo.
By doing this you create an atmosphere that mimics what is found in a natural setting, complementing your cat's primal instincts.
If you are not home during the day, you can encourage use of the cat steps by suspending toys which your cat can play with by batting with their paws.
This simple solution could keep you cat engaged for hours as they stretch and exercise their muscles, using their imaginations to figure out how to "catch" the hanging object.
By nature, cats engage in behaviors such as chasing, leaping, stalking, pouncing, swatting and biting.
These are the instincts that keep them alive in the wild.
However, you don't want your cat to aggressively display these behaviors in a negative manner as a result of boredom or lack of exercise.
Luckily, with cat steps and an environment based on play you can direct their energy in a positive direction.
However, add a little boredom or a lack of activity to the life of your cat and they can become aggressive and unpleasant to be around.
To avoid or correct this behavior there are steps that you can take to improve the behavior of your cat.
Believe it or not, something as simple as adding some toys or even some cat steps to their furniture can help to eliminate negative behavior.
The first thing to understand is what causes negative cat behavior in the first place.
Once you understand the motive then you will be better prepared with a solution.
Just as a child can get into mischief when they have too much idle time on their hands, your cat can engage in negative behavior as a result of boredom, not receiving enough attention, or not getting the exercise needed to release all that pent-up energy.
Some cat owners have had positive results when they add activity based furniture such as cat steps to their pet's cat condo.
By doing this you create an atmosphere that mimics what is found in a natural setting, complementing your cat's primal instincts.
If you are not home during the day, you can encourage use of the cat steps by suspending toys which your cat can play with by batting with their paws.
This simple solution could keep you cat engaged for hours as they stretch and exercise their muscles, using their imaginations to figure out how to "catch" the hanging object.
By nature, cats engage in behaviors such as chasing, leaping, stalking, pouncing, swatting and biting.
These are the instincts that keep them alive in the wild.
However, you don't want your cat to aggressively display these behaviors in a negative manner as a result of boredom or lack of exercise.
Luckily, with cat steps and an environment based on play you can direct their energy in a positive direction.