- E-collars are electronic dog collars that provide a negative stimulus to a dog for training purposes. Several different types of e-collars are marketed today, with each offering a different type of negative stimulus to detour the dog from doing an unwanted behavior. E-collars are sold as hand-held remote-controlled, stationary, or bark-sensor units to use for various types of training. There are three different types of stimulus that the collar gives off to persuade the dog.
- Stationary units are the type commonly seen in electronic invisible fences that people use to keep the dog in the yard. The wire that trips the collar to deliver the negative stimulus is buried around the perimeter of an area where the dog is to be confined. If the dog crosses that buried wire, the collar delivers the negative stimulus. The stationary unit is used to train the dog to stay within the designated boundaries.
- Another type of e-collar is operated by remote control. This type is used mostly for training hunting, sporting, and competition dogs. The collar delivers the negative stimulus to the dog when the trainer manually hits the button on the remote control. The dog is alerted to stop the behavior he is doing at that time and obey the trainer's instruction.
- The "bark sensor" e-collar delivers negative stimulus when the dog barks. The sensors are right in the collar. This type of e-collar is used to train a barking or yapping dog to quiet down.
- Shock or electric pulse is one of the types of negative stimulus used in an e-collar. This is a low electric shock that the collar gives to the dog. This type of stimulus is manufactured in stationary, remote control, and bark-sensor e-collar units.
- Another type of stimulus offered in all three e-collar types is a high tone. The tone comes out of the collar. This not only startles the dog, but is an uncomfortable tone for a dog to hear.
- A spray of lemon- or citronella-scented liquid is another negative stimulus offered in the e-collar. The spray comes out of the collar when it is set off by the bark sensor or remote control unit. This e-collar is mostly used to help train the dog to stop excessive barking.
Remote Control
Bark Sensor
Electric Shock
Uncomfortable Tone
Spray Mist