What is it that is holding you back from being happy? What do you feel is the road block in your life that "if only" that particular thing was different then you could be happy? Have you ever consider that the real reason you remain stuck in this imagined hell isn't because of the outside circumstances but it's because of you?
Oh I know, admitting that it's you is a hard pill to swallow and there are things that happen in our lives that basically suck, big time! But...it's up to you as to whether or not you rise above it or if you choose to let it consume you and suffer. It's called, resistance.
Resisting "what is" is the quickest way to make yourself miserable. You wallow, worry, whine, wish things were different 24/7, and you waste your life away doing this. Ask yourself, "What is it that I can change about this situation?" And then take the steps to change it instead of crying about it.
Sometimes you can't change anything about whatever it is your dealing with because you have no control over the situation or the other person who is inflicting this discomfort or pain in your life. In which case the only thing you can change is your attitude towards it. You can change how you view it, how you are going to approach it and how much time you give to dwelling on it negatively.
There is a way out of this mental torture chamber that you've chosen to imprison yourself in and that is through how you choose to perceive it. You do this through your mind. You have the God given ability to choose what you think and no one can think for you. When you choose to change your thoughts; it will change how you experience anything.
Replace the worrisome, painful thoughts that keep you entertained all day long to those of acceptance, of hope and of KNOWING that everything is going to work out for your higher good. Truly grasping and understanding this concept is when you will find the pathway out of your mental misery and begin to live the way you were meant to.
Take these 2 scenarios as examples. One person loses a one year relationship with someone she was in love with and who she thought was going to be her husband and she can't move beyond the pain. Another person was married for 20 years with 3 children and her husband left her for another women and she is picking up the pieces of her life with an inner strength and courage that so some would seem impossible. Some would argue that the latter's pain would or should be greater, but pain is pain.
What is the difference between the two? It is 100% how they view their situations. How they feel is totally controlled by what they are telling themselves about it. Neither of them like it but one is telling herself that she is going to find the strength and move on and the other is saying that she can't move be on the pain and is devastated.
People ask me how they can stop hurting, how they can move beyond the pain and how they can stop thinking about whatever it is they are going through. And, I say the same thing to everyone and some do it and some don't. Some understand it and some don't.
It is all about what you say to yourself over and over and over again. When you learn to replace the thoughts that keep you stuck and hurting with those that will set your free; you will move on and live again.
Let's say you want to lose weight because it is causing you to be unhappy. Every time you go to eat something would you chose healthy wholesome foods or choose to eat what you know is going to work against you? It's the same with wanting to lose your pain. Do you choose healthy, empowering thoughts or do you choose to eat a meal of sorrow, regrets and why's?
There is a way out of your pain for everyone no matter what it is you are going through and it all begins with you. You have the power within you to allow thoughts in or push them out. It takes a little time and practice but it's worth the result in the end. Otherwise, don't expect anything to change when you keep on thinking what you're thinking.
A great women once said, "You make your own good time or your own bad time." It's up to you to be happy or sad. It's your choice. And when you understand that, how can you not choose happiness!
Oh I know, admitting that it's you is a hard pill to swallow and there are things that happen in our lives that basically suck, big time! But...it's up to you as to whether or not you rise above it or if you choose to let it consume you and suffer. It's called, resistance.
Resisting "what is" is the quickest way to make yourself miserable. You wallow, worry, whine, wish things were different 24/7, and you waste your life away doing this. Ask yourself, "What is it that I can change about this situation?" And then take the steps to change it instead of crying about it.
Sometimes you can't change anything about whatever it is your dealing with because you have no control over the situation or the other person who is inflicting this discomfort or pain in your life. In which case the only thing you can change is your attitude towards it. You can change how you view it, how you are going to approach it and how much time you give to dwelling on it negatively.
There is a way out of this mental torture chamber that you've chosen to imprison yourself in and that is through how you choose to perceive it. You do this through your mind. You have the God given ability to choose what you think and no one can think for you. When you choose to change your thoughts; it will change how you experience anything.
Replace the worrisome, painful thoughts that keep you entertained all day long to those of acceptance, of hope and of KNOWING that everything is going to work out for your higher good. Truly grasping and understanding this concept is when you will find the pathway out of your mental misery and begin to live the way you were meant to.
Take these 2 scenarios as examples. One person loses a one year relationship with someone she was in love with and who she thought was going to be her husband and she can't move beyond the pain. Another person was married for 20 years with 3 children and her husband left her for another women and she is picking up the pieces of her life with an inner strength and courage that so some would seem impossible. Some would argue that the latter's pain would or should be greater, but pain is pain.
What is the difference between the two? It is 100% how they view their situations. How they feel is totally controlled by what they are telling themselves about it. Neither of them like it but one is telling herself that she is going to find the strength and move on and the other is saying that she can't move be on the pain and is devastated.
People ask me how they can stop hurting, how they can move beyond the pain and how they can stop thinking about whatever it is they are going through. And, I say the same thing to everyone and some do it and some don't. Some understand it and some don't.
It is all about what you say to yourself over and over and over again. When you learn to replace the thoughts that keep you stuck and hurting with those that will set your free; you will move on and live again.
Let's say you want to lose weight because it is causing you to be unhappy. Every time you go to eat something would you chose healthy wholesome foods or choose to eat what you know is going to work against you? It's the same with wanting to lose your pain. Do you choose healthy, empowering thoughts or do you choose to eat a meal of sorrow, regrets and why's?
There is a way out of your pain for everyone no matter what it is you are going through and it all begins with you. You have the power within you to allow thoughts in or push them out. It takes a little time and practice but it's worth the result in the end. Otherwise, don't expect anything to change when you keep on thinking what you're thinking.
A great women once said, "You make your own good time or your own bad time." It's up to you to be happy or sad. It's your choice. And when you understand that, how can you not choose happiness!