- 1). Look at Web pages such as CNET Reviews for descriptions and reviews about specific software. Type in the program name in the search field to see if there is a review.
- 2). Join an online discussion or a forum where people discuss various types of computer programs. A good site is softwareforums.org, which has a lot of discussion topics. You will have to register in order to post comments or questions.
- 3). Use online resources such as Yahoo Groups or Google Groups to see what other people are saying about a computer program. Groups are a good place to find answers to many common questions about a software program. Type in the name of the program in the search field and then browse the posts.
- 4). Buy a "For Dummies" guide online at sites such as Amazon.com or a retailer such as Barnes and Noble. The "For Dummies" guides are good for a beginner.
- 5). Check out a book about a computer program at the local library. If you don't have a library card, most libraries allow you to get one on the spot by providing proof of residency (often a utility bill or an apartment lease), and a photo id. You can browse without a card, but likely will need one if you wish to check out books.
- 6). Many local community colleges offer classes in some of the most popular computer programs, either as part of the curriculum or community education offerings. You will have to register and pay a nominal fee.