Health & Medical Women's Health

Vaginal Irritation & Yeast Infection - 3 Simple Tips to Stop Vaginal Irritation

You can get vaginal irritation through yeast infection.
When this happens it's also called vaginitis.
And it's more than just vaginal 'irritation'; the symptoms can be painful and embarrassing.
As well as 3 simple tips to relieve your irritation, here you'll discover the cause, underlying conditions and treatment of vaginitis.
First up, here are your 3 simple tips...
Plain yogurt can be applied directly to the area of irritation.
For internal use soak a tampon in the yogurt and leave in overnight.
Repeat until symptoms go away.
But it has to be plain, unsweetened yogurt without additives.
And it must contain active cultures.
Raw apple cider vinegar in diluted form can work well both as a douche and as a 'sitz' bath.
2 tablespoons in 2 quarts of warm water for a douche, and, 2 cups for a low warm bath.
Raw garlic can be crushed to a paste and applied to the area, or, made into a tampon by wrapping a whole, peeled clove in muslin.
Whilst these are pretty effective, they are only a piece of the puzzle.
There are other underlying considerations for a complete cure, so please read on...
Vaginitis is caused by the Candida albicans fungi which occurs naturally.
It is usually kept in check by your body's good bacteria, but sometimes the good bacteria numbers get depleted and the fungus overgrows causing yeast infection.
It's this that causes the symptoms of vaginitis (yeast infection).
The triggers for friendly bacterial depletion are; a lowered immune system, antibiotics, steroids, poor nutrition, body pH, contraceptives, stress, drug habit, etc.
In terms of vaginal irritation, the type of things that can upset the normal 'balanced' conditions in your vagina are; the use of perfumed douches, sprays and pads; condom spermicide; sexual intercourse; wearing non-breathable tight underwear.
Your normal mainstream treatment is through creams and pessaries applied to the local area.
These can work fine, but many women find that it takes too long, or, the infection goes and returns when the medication is stopped, i.
recurring yeast infections.
This is because the medication targets the local symptoms rather than the root cause.
And the Candida fungus can build-up a resistance to the drugs these medications contain.
So more and more frustrated women are looking to totally natural remedies without the negative aspects of expensive drug-based treatments.
And there are reports of vaginitis symptoms relief in as little as 12 hours.
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