If you want to increase your penis size you don't have to resort to surgery, pills, pumps or extenders.
Although all these methods may have certain benefits they also all have their individual dangers.
Therefore in this article I would like to tell you how to make your penis bigger naturally.
My chosen method and one that has worked for millions of guys before me is penis hand exercises.
How can exercises make your penis bigger? In order to increase penis size you firstly have to greatly improve the flow of blood to your member.
The corpora cavernosa, which is made up of 2 chambers located on the upper side of your shaft is responsible for you producing an erection.
Whenever blood flows to your penis, it fills up these chambers and gives you an erection.
When blood leaves these chambers, you penis returns to it's flaccid state.
This already proves that this part of your manhood can get bigger.
Through regular exercise and by flooding these chambers with copious amounts of blood, you will eventually expand these and make your penis bigger.
Additionally certain stretching exercising will help to extend the internal ligaments of your penis.
The suspensory ligament is the main ligament of the penis and is severed during surgery and stretched by extenders.
So instead of putting yourself in harm's way, try naturally stretching this ligament with hand exercises.
How long does it take to increase penis size? This will vary from guy to guy.
Much the same as if a group of guys worked-out at the gym they would produce different results.
We are all genetically different.
Some guys have been known to take up penis exercises and have increased their penis size by up to 1-2 inches in a month.
However, they can be considered genetically far more able than the rest of us.
If you can commit to performing penis exercises for 10-15 minutes a day, you will start to notice a difference in strength, stature and perhaps even size within a few weeks.
In order to make your penis significantly bigger, I would suggest that you continue with your exercises for at least 3-12 months.
Are penis exercises safe to perform? Once again this is down to the individual.
Some guys rush in, don't follow proper instructions and do the exercises all wrong.
Others will overdo things and try and cram a week's exercises into a day.
If you choose either of these options, the likelihood is you won't make your penis bigger and more than likely you are heading for an injury.
There are various reputable and well established penis exercise programs that can guide you through the exercises at a sensible pace.
If you choose to correctly perform these exercises and gradually increase your intensity, you are far more likely to increase the size of your penis!
Although all these methods may have certain benefits they also all have their individual dangers.
Therefore in this article I would like to tell you how to make your penis bigger naturally.
My chosen method and one that has worked for millions of guys before me is penis hand exercises.
How can exercises make your penis bigger? In order to increase penis size you firstly have to greatly improve the flow of blood to your member.
The corpora cavernosa, which is made up of 2 chambers located on the upper side of your shaft is responsible for you producing an erection.
Whenever blood flows to your penis, it fills up these chambers and gives you an erection.
When blood leaves these chambers, you penis returns to it's flaccid state.
This already proves that this part of your manhood can get bigger.
Through regular exercise and by flooding these chambers with copious amounts of blood, you will eventually expand these and make your penis bigger.
Additionally certain stretching exercising will help to extend the internal ligaments of your penis.
The suspensory ligament is the main ligament of the penis and is severed during surgery and stretched by extenders.
So instead of putting yourself in harm's way, try naturally stretching this ligament with hand exercises.
How long does it take to increase penis size? This will vary from guy to guy.
Much the same as if a group of guys worked-out at the gym they would produce different results.
We are all genetically different.
Some guys have been known to take up penis exercises and have increased their penis size by up to 1-2 inches in a month.
However, they can be considered genetically far more able than the rest of us.
If you can commit to performing penis exercises for 10-15 minutes a day, you will start to notice a difference in strength, stature and perhaps even size within a few weeks.
In order to make your penis significantly bigger, I would suggest that you continue with your exercises for at least 3-12 months.
Are penis exercises safe to perform? Once again this is down to the individual.
Some guys rush in, don't follow proper instructions and do the exercises all wrong.
Others will overdo things and try and cram a week's exercises into a day.
If you choose either of these options, the likelihood is you won't make your penis bigger and more than likely you are heading for an injury.
There are various reputable and well established penis exercise programs that can guide you through the exercises at a sensible pace.
If you choose to correctly perform these exercises and gradually increase your intensity, you are far more likely to increase the size of your penis!