Health & Medical Nutrition

Hemp Seed Nut - Hype Or Health

Mankind has been searching for the perfect food since the beginning of time.
We can recall scenes of the snake oil salesman hawking elixirs and potions of all kinds, even ones that supposedly included the oils from snakes, promising to cure everything that ailed a person.
If this is as good as it seems why haven't we heard of it before now? Actually, it has been around for centuries.
The Chinese were using it in medicine five thousand years ago and it was grown widely in the United States until it became illegal in 1937.
Clinical studies indicate that this tiny seed is unmatched in Nature for its balance of all required proteins and all essential fats as well as most vitamins and enzymes.
No other food will give you a perfect and natural blend of easily digested proteins, essential fats (Omega 3 - 6), amino acids, fiber, iron, vitamins, calcium and enzymes all in one package.
It isn't a vitamin or supplement.
There are no known allergies making it of special benefit to those who are unable to eat gluten, lactose, sugar, fish, nuts, meat and other common foods.
Just picture this:
  • If you suffer with arthritis imagine the feeling of relief from reduced swelling and inflammation.
  • Eat it at breakfast.
    Your body will then be satisfied and happily working with all the nutrients contained in the seeds, and won't irritate you with hunger pains or cravings for sweet or salty snacks!
  • When eaten consistently for three months, many have noticed a reduction in cholesterol and blood pressure levels, decreasing the risk of stroke.
  • Stop feeling tired all the time.
    Give your body energy to burn! Bring back that youthful vitality and become more productive!
  • Another, less talked about benefit is the effect on one's regularity.
    Yes, I'm talking bowels.
    It is also an excellent source of fiber.
So, what is this tiny little seed that almost sounds like "Jack and the Bean Stalk" fairytale promising to be magic? It is none other than Hemp Seed Nut.
It is the fruit of the cannabis sativa plant or rather the inside of the dehulled hemp seed.
Hemp Seed Nut is gaining popularity as a natural nutritional substance within the health and wellness field as a viable source of well being.
This natural food dramatically reduces many of the symptoms and diseases that are associated with the aging process.
It can also improve circulation and boost the immune system.
You can expect to hear a lot more about the benefits of Hemp Seed Nut in the very near future.
There seems to be no other natural food product quite like it.
Is Hemp Seed Nut the latest snake oil or is it truly "nature's perfect food"?
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