1Scrutinize your birth control pill. Women who use oral contraceptives can sometimes develop brown, patchy skin. Check with your doctor to determine if you birth control is the cause of your melasma. Your doctor can either change the dose or put you on a completely different pill.
Limit your sun exposure. Sun exposure can make melasma worst and your spots could appear more frequently and even darker. Always wear sunscreen but try to limit your time outdoors if you suffer from brown spots on your face or skin.
Try a chemical peel called a Vi peel. A Vi peel is a collaboration of salicylic acid, vitamins and retinoic acid. It can help clearer, more vibrant skin appear and brown spots disappear with use.
Consider using a topical lightening cream to fade brown spots. Make sure it contains either hydroquinone or kojic acid to safely reduce the appearance of melasma.