Business & Finance Social Media

Safety Reminders When Using Facebook

Facebook is a valuable social networking tool that allows us to stay in touch with friends and family.
If you become addicted to it, though, it can be counterproductive.
If you think you might have a Facebook addiction, ask yourself the following: Do you play several games on Facebook? These games are notorious or being time-wasters because they are designed to keep you on the site.
If you are a Facebook addict, you probably play a game such as FarmVille or Mob Wars or My Kitten.
Make no mistake, these are designed to hook you.
The longer you play, the greater the rewards.
You can also feel like you have to log in, to do things like tend crops.
Mob Wars can be deceptive.
You may be tempted to log in really quick to do another hit.
Before you know it though, you'll have spent the entire day playing and the quick hit will turn into many more! How often do you check on your friends and family via the News Feed? If the answer is: constantly, you are probably addicted to Facebook.
Checking two or three times per day should be plenty.
Do a quick check in the morning, and another in the evening.
That way, you get the full spectrum of what has happened while you were away.
You are too involved in other people's business if you leave the News Feed open and scrolling to catch each update.
Get out and lead your own life.
Don't overshare every detail of your life in updates, though.
If you are posting multiple updates per day, and telling folks everything you do, you'll likely be boring people as well as wasting time.
Limit your posts to things that are actually noteworthy.
A good way to use Facebook in a healthy manner is to focus on your real life, and then share the real life on Facebook.
Plan something enjoyable and interesting every day, and post about this.
You'll have a rich life, and your friends and family will be glad to see you are doing so well.
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