You always have lot easier is going to go from the bloody in this issue eight so if you happen to this number it's going to drop until it hits the equilibrium with that will number and I only have four depart thought you might like mar dot would back up and afforded what's going to happen here more obscene comes in motorcycle over and over and over again so you think that the same way the reserve rivers you pick up to see if you down here to sustain it capillaries you carry up to the lawns where you can see the forty six year before you there we're going to go was still out into the ones and they go to the ones that the atmosphere decision again same path we've talked about over and over and over again this concept was that fixed it gets adhere to talk after that waste one for one the larger surface area what happens where you diffusion young healthy ones have large surface areas wallpapers scenic written ones what happened the surface area it decreased would doubt what happens with these are the ones victories the thickness of the membrane when you have mucus build-up remember cystic fibrosis wicket moved equal rights in the distinguished nylons was I doing that that was the membrane victor and victor and victor to get the Selma burke was this big walking in the south side was going to happen to raise a few minutes thicker membrane slower diffusion Cesar Romero flex major concept in the sand where we actually epic negative as well as this is a rare gas that's right this research there you take deeper breaths but he's still okay and a gas transport that ups.
You had a chance to do not move right action physically dissolved in the plasma the fluid in the blood only one-half percent gaps in the city of ice and they're not enough to keep you alive it needs hemoglobin leaking a bull market the primary carriers assign definitive hemoglobin at six ohwhat little metal five six the now that he did as the eye so you can hold on the four options burdening the globe up billions hemoglobin or hockey mountain is all together in one red blood cell a transport it that's how it moves wise India so significant whites are dangerous it's decreasing the amount of hemoglobin effectiveness of your book they can't carry obscene any other way around when you look at carbon dioxide progress can actually likes what looked like physically dissolving the plateau you know by Vivian evolve into different part of the woman doctor king but only thirty percent or binding or didn't book and I'm sorry so the ball of carbon dioxide is not new and hemoglobin the bold move to something called bicarbonate so you go to this chemical reaction retakes the until you have to try it into bicarbonate and that bicarbonate moves to your system we just don't want to transfer by car back to see if you have a blow to steer throughout removed by two totally different mechanisms so reduce the middle of it bridges things we've taken the action away it reduces the chemical pram.
We need oxidize something you fat oxidant auction manure if you take it away we oxidizer metal your car which it issue to it requested the oxygen is that or oxidized means that I think that this thing they actually connect the change that when you're back tonight Ida hakim is called oxidized people were oxygen reduced means there's nothing what colors attorneys oxidized bestows embolism is oxidized this reddish orange hell writers really red color when it's ridiculous what colors are probably felt like this beeper believe burgundy color so we're looking at the white house enough miss in your eyes because it seemed under your skin was reduced to expose the right was oxidized looks so in some is pretty blue thesis circulation is just fine but what's their problem pinkie oxygen into the blood if it turned pale that means their circulation reduce your Nazi anything in there right yet seen the red oxide would estimate will be outside what destiny blood returned ghostly pale what has happened all of what does your skin tickets for kids please avoid out so you know that if we are seeing and reduced this term hemoglobin saturation means exactly that we saturate something sacrifice Christopher over the place we set free something what do you do it fill it up right craft we may have just lost my computer Somatodrol or today and see if I get back to her tell me what I think that's right.
You had a chance to do not move right action physically dissolved in the plasma the fluid in the blood only one-half percent gaps in the city of ice and they're not enough to keep you alive it needs hemoglobin leaking a bull market the primary carriers assign definitive hemoglobin at six ohwhat little metal five six the now that he did as the eye so you can hold on the four options burdening the globe up billions hemoglobin or hockey mountain is all together in one red blood cell a transport it that's how it moves wise India so significant whites are dangerous it's decreasing the amount of hemoglobin effectiveness of your book they can't carry obscene any other way around when you look at carbon dioxide progress can actually likes what looked like physically dissolving the plateau you know by Vivian evolve into different part of the woman doctor king but only thirty percent or binding or didn't book and I'm sorry so the ball of carbon dioxide is not new and hemoglobin the bold move to something called bicarbonate so you go to this chemical reaction retakes the until you have to try it into bicarbonate and that bicarbonate moves to your system we just don't want to transfer by car back to see if you have a blow to steer throughout removed by two totally different mechanisms so reduce the middle of it bridges things we've taken the action away it reduces the chemical pram.
We need oxidize something you fat oxidant auction manure if you take it away we oxidizer metal your car which it issue to it requested the oxygen is that or oxidized means that I think that this thing they actually connect the change that when you're back tonight Ida hakim is called oxidized people were oxygen reduced means there's nothing what colors attorneys oxidized bestows embolism is oxidized this reddish orange hell writers really red color when it's ridiculous what colors are probably felt like this beeper believe burgundy color so we're looking at the white house enough miss in your eyes because it seemed under your skin was reduced to expose the right was oxidized looks so in some is pretty blue thesis circulation is just fine but what's their problem pinkie oxygen into the blood if it turned pale that means their circulation reduce your Nazi anything in there right yet seen the red oxide would estimate will be outside what destiny blood returned ghostly pale what has happened all of what does your skin tickets for kids please avoid out so you know that if we are seeing and reduced this term hemoglobin saturation means exactly that we saturate something sacrifice Christopher over the place we set free something what do you do it fill it up right craft we may have just lost my computer Somatodrol or today and see if I get back to her tell me what I think that's right.