Individuals are exploring Google+, the newest online community site recently launched by Google, but will it become the next Facebook? The Google+ Project On June 28 2011, the official Google blog announced the launch of Google+.
It was called the Google+ project, and you could sign up only if you were invited, since it was still undergoing field trial.
It managed to become the fastest growing web 2.
0 site, reaching 25 million users in about a month's time.
What's All of the Fuss About? It is obvious that Google+ is trying to wow users from social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.
What makes it different? The circles, which present you with the opportunity to group your connections in special groups you are able to label (e.
friends, family, co-workers etc.
You will then share information with specific circles, rather than sharing it with everybody.
Additionally, hangouts, offered by Google+, enable you to video speak to many of your friends simultaneously.
Google+ First Official Facts While many social network sites started out from a small number of people, Google+ had greater than 500 employees working on it.
It cost $585 billion to produce.
Did you know that when Google+ first launched, its founder Larry Page had less people in circles than Mark Zuckerberg did? Today, Larry is definitely the top Google+ user with more followers, second in line is Britney Spears and third, Mark Zuckerburg.
The first recorded facts and statistics for Google+ show 72% of the population is male, completely dominating the female population, at least for the time being.
Additionally, reports that currently the "geek elite" is taking over Google+, which basically shows that tech savvy users are attracted to it.
If this is true, it does not come at all as a surprise that 29% of the Google+ users are engineers, 17% are developers, 12% software developers and 14% designers.
Unofficial counts state that Google+ currently has over 45 million users and continues to grow.
Facebook Page vs.
Google Brand Pages Businesses have used social network sites for marketing purposes.
Facebook is a great illustration of this.
It has the Facebook pages, which customers and brand lovers can become "fans" of and remain updated on news, special offers and important events.
Facebook enables you to view insights of your interaction with your fans.
This means that it is simple to view information including daily, weekly and monthly active users or interactions involving post views or post feedback.
This is great for businesses as it allows them to appraise the outcomes of a marketing and advertising campaign.
Google+ launched brand pages for businesses a few days ago.
They've got many similar features, for example posting news, updates, videos or photos.
What's the main difference? Mainly the hangouts, they can offer their followers.
Google+ brand pages can provide a different level of interaction with customers, enabling video chat of up to ten people.
Additionally, it is possible to organize your followers in circles and post updates that you think will interest them according to the circles they're in.
Should businesses spread their attention towards Google+? Marketers would say yes.
Not because Google+ is going to take over, but simply because you should make use of all channels of communication for your business.
And who knows, maybe Google+ will take over.
For more facts, stats and commentary on social networking feel free to visit www.
com and join in the conversation.
It was called the Google+ project, and you could sign up only if you were invited, since it was still undergoing field trial.
It managed to become the fastest growing web 2.
0 site, reaching 25 million users in about a month's time.
What's All of the Fuss About? It is obvious that Google+ is trying to wow users from social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.
What makes it different? The circles, which present you with the opportunity to group your connections in special groups you are able to label (e.
friends, family, co-workers etc.
You will then share information with specific circles, rather than sharing it with everybody.
Additionally, hangouts, offered by Google+, enable you to video speak to many of your friends simultaneously.
Google+ First Official Facts While many social network sites started out from a small number of people, Google+ had greater than 500 employees working on it.
It cost $585 billion to produce.
Did you know that when Google+ first launched, its founder Larry Page had less people in circles than Mark Zuckerberg did? Today, Larry is definitely the top Google+ user with more followers, second in line is Britney Spears and third, Mark Zuckerburg.
The first recorded facts and statistics for Google+ show 72% of the population is male, completely dominating the female population, at least for the time being.
Additionally, reports that currently the "geek elite" is taking over Google+, which basically shows that tech savvy users are attracted to it.
If this is true, it does not come at all as a surprise that 29% of the Google+ users are engineers, 17% are developers, 12% software developers and 14% designers.
Unofficial counts state that Google+ currently has over 45 million users and continues to grow.
Facebook Page vs.
Google Brand Pages Businesses have used social network sites for marketing purposes.
Facebook is a great illustration of this.
It has the Facebook pages, which customers and brand lovers can become "fans" of and remain updated on news, special offers and important events.
Facebook enables you to view insights of your interaction with your fans.
This means that it is simple to view information including daily, weekly and monthly active users or interactions involving post views or post feedback.
This is great for businesses as it allows them to appraise the outcomes of a marketing and advertising campaign.
Google+ launched brand pages for businesses a few days ago.
They've got many similar features, for example posting news, updates, videos or photos.
What's the main difference? Mainly the hangouts, they can offer their followers.
Google+ brand pages can provide a different level of interaction with customers, enabling video chat of up to ten people.
Additionally, it is possible to organize your followers in circles and post updates that you think will interest them according to the circles they're in.
Should businesses spread their attention towards Google+? Marketers would say yes.
Not because Google+ is going to take over, but simply because you should make use of all channels of communication for your business.
And who knows, maybe Google+ will take over.
For more facts, stats and commentary on social networking feel free to visit www.
com and join in the conversation.