- 1). Plan your party ahead of time. Determine the exact date you want your party, and start preparing a checklist you can use for your reference that includes the items you need to purchase as well as the tasks you need to complete prior to and on the day of the party.
- 2). Decide on the theme for your party if one is not a given, such as a going away party, birthday party or holiday party. This is an opportunity to show your creativity if you wish.
- 3). Determine who you'll be inviting. This is crucial for the planning process to target the age group of your guests as well as how many there will be.
- 4). Create a budget for your party based on how many people you're inviting and how extravagant you want to be. Depending on the occasion, you may want to ask others to help with the expenses; this can be especially relevant when throwing a birthday party that will be attended by many of the honoree's other friends.
- 5). Determine where your party will be held. Your home is a good place to have a party, if you have the necessary space, and it's obviously the most economical choice. You'll usually pay a premium for using a public venue.
- 6). Prepare your invitations to be mailed out or emailed and send them three weeks in advance. Include the theme of the party, the date and time, and the location. Provide guests a date by which they need to RSVP to give you an idea of whether or not they'll be attending, and track the responses as they come in.
- 7). Use your budget as a guide for your food options. Consider the number of guests, and order food from a catering company or prepare your own. If you decide to prepare your own food, start early to make sure you're set by the date of the party. Your menu will depend on whether you plan a buffet-style party (with finger foods) or a sit-down event, as well as what time of day the party is being held.
- 8). Purchase a variety of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, along with several bags of ice (depending on the number of guests). If your party is an afternoon affair featuring sweets, you'll probably want to have coffee and tea available.
- 9). Purchase your supplies early, including plates and cups. Call a party rental company if you find you need extra tables or chairs, which is especially important if you're hosting a large party.
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Create a playlist for your MP3 player or iPod, or burn a few CDs for the party. Choose music that suits your theme. - 11
Go over your checklist once more on the day before your party to ensure you have everything covered. Ask for help with setup so you don't tire yourself before everyone arrives. During the party, enjoy all your hard work and have a good time.