Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Your Mlm Business Has Zero To Do With Your Mlm Company

Most people think they have to sell the company products to succeed in network marketing or MLM. Even though it is a marketing job your if your focus is on the products or service your company offers you will never succeed.

All that matters as far as the company is concerned is that whatever it offers has real value to the consumer and most network marketing companies products do. If you are in network marketing your business is MARKETING.

If you had two tons of product at your home you would still need to learn marketing if you want to make any money. Learning a system to recruit distributors and then teaching that to your prospects is your real business.

If you have a system that works, you teach it to your down line or team members and help them get it working for them and the more people you help the more successful you will be. That is the formula for success the industry leaders use.

Think about McDonalds for a minute. This is the same formula they use. They are great at marketing and delivering but the product is average. People keep returning for their food not because it is so good but because it is fast, cheap, and predictable.

The founder, Ray Kroc, put together tools and instructions and even though he uses an average burger his SYSTEM has allowed him to sell billions of burgers.

So basically, a system is a collection of tools and instructions. Your job as a network marketer is to market your system to distributors that retail the products. You do this by learning a system that works and teaching it to your downline.

You help others become leaders when you teach them your system that works to help them sign people up. The real end product of your marketing efforts is the people that you helped to become leaders. The more you help the more successful you are.

You can speed your success along if you have a great product and use an awesome system but you will have to become a leader and leaders will succeed no matter what. Learn valuable skills and methods that work and teach them to others and you are a leader that will succeed no matter what.

Everyone has their chances and makes their own choices and anyone can follow the rest of the herd into mediocrity or work to become a leader. I think it is your duty to make the most out of your life and if that means leaving your comfort zone to learn how to do that it is your responsibility to your family to do it.

Life is a gift and if learning how to become a leader is what it takes to get the most out of your life then why wouldn't you want to do that? There is no end to the rewards of helping others become leaders and it is also an awesome legacy you would be leaving behind.

What better way to live your life than to give the gift of leadership to countless others that can spread it around? That is the power every one of us has and when you think about it that way it is exhilarating.
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